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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to interact clearly using effective spoken Chinese to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student accounting for and sustaining their own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others. There will be successful use of a range of language, and skillful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction.
Interaction will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
The exemplified student speaks second in all the three interactions.
The student is confident and skilled in sustaining personal views and supporting the viewpoint of others, e.g. 即使你不去外国, 你也能买外国的东西, 像以前你不知道在美国发生了什么 and 现在你能了解世界各地的信息. The interactions are spontaneous, and there is clear evidence of using a range of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction, e.g. rephrasing, commenting, seeking and providing relevant information, etc.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could show consistent evidence of appropriate tones and avoid using English words, e.g. 学生有太多的energy.
Interaction 1
Interaction 2
Interaction 3
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to interact clearly using convincing spoken Chinese to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student accounting for and sustaining their own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others. There will be a range of language and generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction.
Interaction will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The exemplified student speaks first in all the three interactions.
The student uses a range of language features and strategies in the future plan interaction, e.g. actively seeking and providing relevant information, making appropriate comments, etc. There is evidence of challenging the ideas of others with examples, e.g. 如果你打工, 你会学习不好的, 我有一个朋友, 以前他学习很好,在考试他常常得第一名, 可是最近他有了工作 and 他的学习不好.
To reach Excellence, there needs to be consistent evidence of successful use of a range of language and skilful selection of a repertoire of language features. Language such as 他们住在他们房间, 从来没有出去玩运动, 很多时间在你的电脑and 你会不好 does not sufficiently demonstrate this criteria.
Interaction 1
Interaction 2
Interaction 3
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to interact clearly using convincing spoken Chinese to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student accounting for and sustaining their own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others. There will be a range of language, and generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction.
Interaction will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The exemplified student speaks first in the first interaction and speaks second in the second and third interactions.
The student speaks clearly and shows good ability to justify a viewpoint in the part time job conversation, e.g. 一方面, 我喜欢我的打工, 因为我可以挣钱, 另一方面, 我喜欢我的打工 and 因为在晚上开车很难. There is evidence of supporting the viewpoint of others, e.g. 我同意你的想法 and 我觉得增加工作经验最重要.
For a more secure Merit, there needs to be additional evidence of using a range of language. English words such as ‘pizza’, ‘Xbox’ and ‘Facebook’ also need to be avoided.
Interaction 1
Interaction 2
Interaction 3
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to interact clearly using spoken Chinese to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student accounting for and sustaining their own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The exemplified student speaks second in the first and second interactions and speaks first in the third interaction.
In the modern technology interaction the student gives a clear viewpoint on modern technology: 现代科技对我们影响很大, 一切都变的很容易 and 我们更快地找到需要的东西. The student challenges the viewpoint of others in the part-time job interaction, e.g. 一边学习一边打工很好and 只要你每个星期打工不超过十五个小时.
To reach Merit, there needs to consistent evidence of generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction, especially in the ‘healthy lifestyle’ conversation.
Further there will be additional evidence of language to explore and justify ideas and perspectives, e.g. additional evidence of sustaining a personal view.
Interaction 1
Interaction 2
Interaction 3
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to interact clearly using spoken Chinese to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student accounting for and sustaining their own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The exemplified student speaks first in the first and second interactions and speaks second in the third interaction.
In the healthy life style interaction the student gave a view on what a healthy life style is like, e.g. 我觉得健康生活需要健康的食物 and 常常运动. The student also challenged the viewpoint of others: 我不同意, 因为我喜欢这个食物’ and 我最喜欢吃快餐.
For a more secure Achieved, there needs to be additional evidence of the ability for the student to sustain their views. There are a few instances in which the student failed to provide relevant information and relied on his partner to carry on the conversation.
There also needs to be more evidence of mastery of the language at this level, e.g. 明天我打算大学生 does not sufficiently demonstrate mastery. The mispronunciation of some words could have less impact on communication.
Interaction 1
Interaction 2
Interaction 3
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to interact clearly using spoken Chinese to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student accounting for and sustaining own views, and finding out about, evaluating and giving evidence to support or challenge the ideas and perspectives of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The exemplified student speaks first in all the three interactions.
The student was able to maintain the conversation in the international student piece. Relevant information was sought and provided. The student gave advice on how international students could improve their English. Viewpoints are justified, e.g. 你们还可以看一个小时的英语新闻, 这样你们可以很快提高你的英语, 如果午饭的时候你有空 and 你可以找你的英语老师练习你的英语.
To reach Achieved, there needs to be evidence of supporting or challenging the ideas of others – this is missing from all three interactions.
There also needs to be additional evidence of mastery of language at this level, e.g. when asking for and giving appropriate information, the student has difficulty organising sentences. Inconsistencies such as mispronunciation and pausing could have less impact on the overall communication.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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