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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear effective Chinese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is controlled and integrated, and capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
There is clear evidence of the student’s evaluating and giving explanations to support their own ideas, as well as supporting or challenging those of others, e.g. 越来越多中国学生来到新西兰上学, 但是大部分的中国学生只和中国朋友玩.这是不对的. 这个问题对中国学生很重要的. 如果他们只和中国朋友一起玩,没有机会说英语. 但是如果你有新西兰朋友和中国朋友, 那么你能学好英语和不忘中文 (1),我不喜欢这个电影, 虽然画面很有意思,可是没有特别好玩的情节.这让我觉得无聊.但是这部电影让我知道一个重要的事 and 那就是学习的重要和不要放弃 (3). The student uses a range of language at the expected level.
The language is controlled and integrated, e.g. 基督城发生了地震, 很多房子坏了, 很多人丢了他们的房子, 没有住的地方. 为了帮助他们, 我们的中文班下个星期做募捐活动, 打算开一个很大的旧货商店, 一边卖东西, 一边卖食物. 我们会给所有的钱去募捐组织 (4). The text explains effectively the purpose of the fundraising event.
For a more secure Excellence, there will be additional consistency with successful selection of language, e.g. with language such as 电影里工作画面非常好看, 颜色和音乐不但很快而且很专业. 但是这部电影里有太多的工作, 让观众无聊 (2).
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear convincing Chinese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is credible and connected, and the use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student has explored different views regarding studying in New Zealand, e.g. explaining various benefits of living in New Zealand (1) as well as pointing out some negative experiences (2). The student’s viewpoint is also justified, e.g. 我喜欢这部电影, 因为第一, 电影里的女人不但漂亮, 而且有自信, 女人比男人演技很好. 第二, 这部电影教我们怎么一边工作一边生活. 工作很用重要, 爱情也很重要 (3).
To reach Excellence, there needs to be additional evidence of use of a range of language to integrate ideas. In the ‘international week’ writing, integrated development could be achieved with some conjunction words connecting ideas (4).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear convincing Chinese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is credible and connected, and the use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student challenges the viewpoint of some international students regarding living in New Zealand, e.g. 有的人不同意在新西兰生活很有意思, 因为在新西兰是一个小国家, 所以生活又无聊又没有意思. 他们觉得新西兰经济太慢. 对我来说, 这是因为他们不知道新西兰的文化. 如果他们知道文化, 他们会很高兴 (2).
For a more secure Merit, inconsistencies will have less impact on communication of the message. At Merit level, English words should be avoided (1). More attention could be paid to choice of word to improve communication (3) (5) (6).
Further, for a more secure Merit there would be additional evidence of development of ideas. The reason why the students give the movie a four star rating would be more solid with the addition of some examples (4).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear Chinese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
In the first written piece the student explores two different views regarding playing sports and argues why playing sports is of benefit to students, e.g. 比说说我知道一个人是九十一岁了!不但他是 jian kang 的, 因为他每天走路. 很多中国学生不爱做运动, 因为他们觉得学习重要, 做运动浪费时间. 我觉得这是不对的. 如果你学习太多, 你的眼睛会不好. 中国学生应该多运动 (1). Some complex language is used, e.g. 虽然起初你们会很不高兴, 后来你应该慢慢的会越来越喜欢这里 (4).
To reach Merit there needs to be development of ideas, e.g. the review on the movie is brief and could be developed with additional evaluation, explanation or evidence (2).
Further, for Merit the development of ideas should be credible and connected.
Language such as 现在交际是越来越容易, 认识别的语言变更有用, 比如我们可以一边跟朋友说话, 一边和别的国家的人打电话交朋友 (3), where some of the ideas do not follow a logical sequence, does not demonstrate this criteria.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear Chinese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
There is evidence of evaluating different viewpoints. In the first written piece, the student discusses the pros and cons of living in New Zealand (1) (2). The student’s opinion is expressed and justified, e.g. 我给这部电影五颗星. 因为拉拉的演技非常非常好, 她的表演很自然 (3).
For a more secure Achieved, there would be additional evidence of mastery of language at this level. The sentences such as一天拉拉和王伟一起睡觉. 他们不在一起二年. 但是拉拉去了泰国找王伟. 王伟看见拉拉 (4) and 我们买了所有烤鸭. 如果我们做多烤鸭, 我的学校会更多钱. 校长能建立新的健身房真快 (5) require some effort to understand their meaning.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear Chinese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
In the first written piece, the student justifies the importance of learning a foreign language. Some level 3 language is used correctly to support a viewpoint, e.g. 首先学习一个语言让国际留学生学习一个新文化. 这会让他们更有意思和更聪明. 而且, 如果他们学习一个新文化, 他们会更明白别人的看法, 也可以从别的角度看问题 (1).
To reach Achieved, there will be consistent evidence of mastery of language at this level across all the texts. The student attempts to use appropriate language in the second and the third pieces. A sufficient command of language is required so that ideas can be constructed using correct sentence order, with proper sentence structures.
Further, communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies (2) (3) (4) (5).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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