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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate perceptive understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger submission of work. Within the whole submission, the student uses supporting primary source evidence of specific relevance (1) and refers specifically to several works of art from the Classical Athenian, Roman and Renaissance periods through annotations and written responses.
The extract of student work analyses the lasting influence of the Trojan War myth cycle in art with insight (3). Patterns are established, such as the influence of religious thought on art, and the student identifies cultural expectations throughout the work.
The comments on the nature of Athenian, Roman and Renaissance cultural values are woven throughout the text and allow the student to demonstrate perceptive understanding of the influence of classical mythology at different points in time.
Points made regarding the increased importance of warfare after the Persian Wars in Athens, the shallow nature of Roman deities without mythology from their Greek counterparts and the detailed analysis of the proto-humanist movement during the Renaissance allow the student to develop hypotheses (4) perceptively about the lasting influence of mythology in reaction to the cultural expectations (providing reasons for similarities and differences).
The student refers to many aspects of the depiction of the myth cycle (2), each covering more than one part of the Trojan War cycle (the rape of Cassandra, Aeneas fleeing Troy), the depiction of deities throughout the time period and connection between ideas in art and societal expectations.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could:
- show discernment when addressing limitations of sources of evidence
- provide more reasons for similarities and differences to strengthen the hypothesis for the lasting influence of classical mythology in art.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger piece of student work. Within the whole submission, the student uses supporting primary source evidence of specific relevance (1) and refers specifically to several works of art from the Classical Athenian, Roman and Renaissance periods through annotations and written responses.
The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of the lasting influence of the Trojan War myth cycle through art. The analysis of the art work is informed (2).
The student covers a range of aspects, linking three points in time, and makes some points to address the reasons for similarities and differences in the depictions. A hypothesis is developed to justify the lasting influence (4). This is a successful part of the student’s work.
Points made about the aspects of the myth that different cultures drew upon (such as the contemporary rivalry between east and west during the Persian Wars and the importance of the Trojan war as an echo of that struggle, the Trojan War as a justification of Roman imperialism and the renewed philosophical ideas in the Renaissance about the importance of man) allow the student to give an informed analysis of the direct and indirect influence of classical mythology at different points in time.
Some cultural expectations of each society are covered but greater insight would need to be demonstrated to meet the criteria for Excellence (3).
To reach Excellence, the student could:
- show insight into the lasting influence by establishing themes and patterns over the different points in time
- show insight into the lasting influence by more regularly providing reasons for similarities and differences
- show insight into the lasting influence by analysing the cultural expectations further.
Low Merit
For Merit the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger piece of student work. Within the whole submission, the student uses supporting primary source evidence of specific relevance (1) and refers specifically to several works of art from the Classical Athenian, Roman and Renaissance periods through annotations and written responses.
The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of the lasting influence of the Trojan War myth cycle through art. The analysis of the art work is informed and some points to address the reasons for similarities and differences in the depictions are made.
The points made regarding the treatment of Creusa in the depictions of the myth briefly analyse the reasons for similarities and differences, but this is lacking the level of insight required for Excellence. A basic hypothesis is developed to justify the lasting influence (3).
The student focuses on the influence of the classical era in-depth but does not adequately analyse the reasons for the influence from Greek to Roman cultures. The student states that the chronological proximity of the Greek and Roman cultures justifies an influence but does not expand upon this (3).
The comments made on the lasting influence of classical myth in art during the Renaissance period demonstrate an informed analysis (2). Holistically this work is unbalanced, but there is sufficient in-depth understanding to justify a Low Merit.
For a more secure Merit, the student could analyse the reasons for the lasting influence of classical mythology in art across different points in time in a more balanced manner.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger piece of student work. Within the whole submission, the student uses supporting primary source evidence and refers to several works of art from the Classical Athenian, Roman and Renaissance periods through annotations and written responses.
The student demonstrates understanding of the lasting influence of classical mythology on art at different points in time.
The student analyses the depiction of the Trojan War across three points in time (2) and makes valid points about the similarities and differences in their rendition.
The points made about the changes in religious practice and the different cultural expectations and codes of behaviour justify why differences exist. The student begins to develop a hypothesis (3) for why the influence exists (tied to universal ideas of hope and the cruelty of man) but this is lacking depth.
The student explores the influence of the classical world through specific examples (1).
To reach Merit, the student could:
- develop a hypothesis for the lasting influence of classical mythology across different points in time
- provide more in-depth understanding for the lasting influence.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger piece of student work. Within the whole submission, the student uses supporting primary source evidence and refers to several works of art from the Classical Athenian, Roman and Renaissance periods through annotations and written responses.
The student demonstrates some understanding of the lasting influence of the Trojan War myth cycle through art. The student analyses aspects of the depiction of the myth across the Greek, Roman and Renaissance periods (1).
The values held by each culture, such as the historical aspect of the myth for the Greeks, the justification of the origins of the Roman race and the revival of the classical during the Renaissance, and the artistic techniques used to depict the myth are addressed. While the student makes valid points, these are lacking detail.
The student’s response shows some understanding of the lasting influence of classical mythology on art and reasons for the differences in how it has been depicted over time. However, this work is a Low Achieved as it only just sufficiently demonstrates this understanding.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could:
- analyse influence of classical art in more detail
- analyse aspects of the Trojan War cycle more so that the influence may be more apparent.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of the lasting influences of the classical world on other cultures across time.
This is an extract from a larger piece of student work. Within the whole submission, the student uses supporting primary source evidence and refers to several works of art from the Classical Athenian, Roman and Renaissance periods through annotations and written responses.
The student demonstrates limited understanding of the lasting influence of classical mythology on art at different points in time.
The student makes general statements about the intent of Greek, Roman and Renaissance art (1) but does not link these to the depiction of the Trojan War cycle across time.
Some valid points are made to analyse Renaissance renditions of parts of the myth cycle (2) but no connection is made to their classical counterparts.
Holistically there is a lack of understanding of the influence of classical mythology on art and not enough use of primary source evidence.
While one or two valid points have been made, there is insufficient evidence to award an Achieved overall.
To reach Achieved, the student could:
- analyse influence of classical art across time
- analyse aspects of the Trojan War cycle more so that the influence may be more apparent.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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