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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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TKI Dance assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91590 Exemplar Low Excellence (ZIP | 26 MB)


For Excellence, the student needs to perform a solo or duet dance skilfully.

This involves:

  • adept execution of technical requirements
  • individual interpretation of expressive qualities
  • individual interpretation of phrasing and flow
  • projection to and connection with the audience.

This student gives a skilful performance which demonstrates generally sound execution of technical requirements, e.g. consistent and controlled body movements, fluidity through the torso and spine, precise timing, accurate reproduction of shapes, sound strength and balance, and some extension in leg and arm lines. There is clear evidence of strength, agility and stamina throughout.

There is insightful interpretation of the expressive aspects of the dance. These expressive and dynamic qualities are very strong and compelling components of the student’s performance, with highly appropriate individual interpretation evident. 

There is clear use of the different kinds of speed and energy. The accents are defined, and there is a definite understanding of the sustained versus sudden movements. The phrasing and flow of the dance is well considered, and occurs effortlessly.

Focus is well sustained, and there is consistent and engaging projection to and connection with the audience.

For a more secure Excellence, the student could demonstrate more adept execution of technical requirements. The student’s technique is generally sound but could be more refined and polished, for example with more full extension and flexibility in some leg lines, and more extension through the feet at times.  

Further, she could aim for stronger muscle engagement through the core. More care with the alignment of the knees in parallel positions is needed. 

High Merit

91590 Exemplar High Merit (ZIP | 27 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to perform a solo or duet dance competently.

This involves:

  • control of the technical requirements
  • interpretation of the dynamic qualities of the dance
  • effective focus to support communication.

This student has performed the solo dance with clearly evident competence and technical ability. There is comprehensive control of technique evident throughout.  For example, movements are accurate, shapes show clarity and timing is precise.  

Posture and alignment are consistently appropriate. Transitions into and out of floor work are consistently fluid. Leg and arm lines are well extended, and the student demonstrates agility and precision with her movement.

Focus is sustained and effective throughout which helps to support the communication of the key ideas in the dance. There is some interpretation of the dynamic qualities of the dance, e.g. some contrasting energy changes and some expressive use of head movement and facial expression.

To reach Excellence, the student could show more engagement with the intention and purpose of the dance. Further attention to expression, intent, and dynamics is needed for Excellence. She needs to ensure that her expression, interpretation and phrasing of the dance is more intuitive, and to emphasise the dynamic energy changes in the dance much more distinctly.

The student’s performance energy needs to be more sustained (it seems to fade towards the end of the performance), and she needs to hold a more focused end position. With more projection, a stronger connection with the audience could be established. 

Low Merit

91590 Exemplar Low Merit (ZIP | 23 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to perform a solo or duet dance competently.

This involves:

  • control of the technical requirements
  • interpretation of the dynamic qualities of the dance
  • effective focus to support communication.

This student has performed a solo dance competently with clear evidence of expressiveness and fluidity within the performance. The performance shows competence in the execution of most movements, e.g. some extended arm lines, a clear sense of rhythm, and shapes that have some definition. The dancer has controlled technique enough to reproduce the movement in an accurate manner

The student performs with energy and enthusiasm that is easily projected to the audience, and allows the audience to connect with the work. She dances with strength, flow and rhythm, and has successfully incorporated some dynamic changes into the performance. There is clear evidence of the use of effective focus to support the communication of the ideas in the dance. 

She has interpreted and understood the dynamic qualities of the dance, and danced in ways that make her individual style clearly come through to make the performance her own.

For a more secure Merit, the student could improve balance, posture and alignment at times. Some technical aspects need further attention, for example more extension is needed in some arm and leg lines. More accuracy in the size and clarity of some shapes and movements would further strengthen the performance. Footwork needs to be kept accurate.

High Achieved

91590 Exemplar High Achieved (ZIP | 27 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to perform a solo or duet dance.

This involves:

  • reproducing the movements of the solo or duet dance in accordance with the demonstration or description.  The dancer demonstrates technical requirements such as:
    • clarity of movements and shapes
    • generally accurate timing
    • appropriate size of movement and use of space
  • maintaining focus
  • demonstrating some dynamic qualities

This student has reproduced the movements of this solo dance in accordance with the choreographer’s general intention. Sufficient technical requirements have been demonstrated such as general clarity of movements and shapes and a sense of rhythm and generally accurate timing. 

The student’s focus is sustained and appropriately directed.  The performance has energy and expression with the demonstration of some dynamic qualities e.g. subtle changes in energy level and tempo and some variation in facial expression. 

To reach Merit, the student could ensure all transitions are flowing and smooth so the performance is more controlled overall.  This is especially so of transitions into and out of the floor work sections. 

Further technical aspects that need attention include appropriate size of movement and use of space, and greater attention to dynamic qualities. The student needs a more fluid and loose style for some sections with more full articulation through the torso and spine.  She could ensure her posture had further definition to demonstrate more strength.

The student needs to ensure expression is changed as required for each section so the appropriate mood is portrayed – she tended to perform all sections with similar dynamic qualities.

Low Achieved

91590 Exemplar Low Achieved (ZIP | 27 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to perform a solo or duet dance.

This involves:

  • reproducing the movements of the solo or duet dance in accordance with the demonstration or description.  The dancer demonstrates technical requirements such as:
    • clarity of movements and shapes
    • generally accurate timing
    • appropriate size of movement and use of space
  • maintaining of focus
  • demonstrating some dynamic qualities

This student has performed a solo dance with some sufficiency in technical requirements, for example generally accurate timing, accurate basic shapes, moments of strength and appropriate use of space. She has reproduced the movements of the dance with some accuracy and control.

There is clear evidence of concentration and focus throughout the performance, and some appropriate expression has been incorporated with an attempt to differentiate between sections. For example, she is clearly thinking about the dance and its intention, and this has potential to become more natural and expressive. A sense of flow is seen to be developing.

For a more secure Achieved, the student could improve accuracy in the size and form of the movements so that they are given their full breadth. Lines generally require more extension and accuracy.

More variation in phrasing and timing would strengthen the performance. The student could further aim for a stronger portrayal of the different moods and ideas within the dance, and communicate and project these more confidently to the audience. Maintaining a stronger more uplifted eye line would allow for more connection with the audience. 

High Not Achieved


For Achieved, the student needs to perform a solo or duet dance.

This involves:

  • reproducing the movements of the solo or duet dance in accordance with the demonstration or description.  The dancer demonstrates technical requirements such as:
    • clarity of movements and shapes
    • generally accurate timing
    • appropriate size of movement and use of space
  • maintaining of focus
  • demonstrating some dynamic qualities.

There is no student work currently available at this grade.

A student at this grade would have made a genuine attempt to perform a dance, and their performance would be beginning to reproduce the movements of the dance as required by the demonstration or description. 

The student may demonstrate a sense of timing and rhythm, and be able to concentrate on the dance for much of the performance. There would be some ability to reproduce and perform movement and shapes with appropriate clarity and form.

To reach Achieved, the student could improve movement accuracy to make it more consistent and controlled throughout the dance. They would need to ensure that correct positioning and spatial relationships are shown, and generally perform the movements with more extension, energy, dynamics and projection.

Further the student would need to use facial expression and show some differentiation of expressive qualities. More consistent and directed focus would help to portray the emotive qualities of the dance. 

See all Dance assessment resources

Page last updated:  19 December 2023