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Low Excellence
91216B Exemplar Low Excellence (ZIP | 63 MB)Commentary
For Excellence, the student needs to effectively use complex performance skills associated with a drama or theatre form or period.
This involves presenting work convincingly, capturing the essence of the dramatic context with impact, and refers to using complex performance skills of the theatre form to enhance the performance.
This student has presented the form of Commedia Dell Arte. The exemplified student is in the role of Pulcinella (Punch). He is wearing a cerise jacket, carrying a stick.
00:00 |
The student uses voice to foreshadow the arrival of the mask. He uses complex performance skills to present his mask, followed by effective physicality that convincingly communicates the stock character Pulcinella. |
00:06 |
The body is used to create impact by effectively pushing up of the shoulder to create a hump, and uses chin movement to show the mask. He establishes the obsession of the character with the line ‘I need to buy me a woman’. |
00:27 |
The voice becomes high pitched on meeting the higher status character of Pantalone. This supports the creation of a convincing status relationship between the characters. As he exits, the student maintains the connection between the mask and the audience, and this creates impact. |
08:10 |
The student alters the use of voice to show his personality trait of viciousness when interacting with the lower status of Arlecchino. The student enhances the audience’s understanding of the hierarchy of the masks, through his convincing shift of status when dealing with Arlecchino as opposed to Dottore. |
For a more secure Excellence, the student could further develop audience interaction to create impact.
High Merit
91216B Exemplar High Merit (ZIP | 54 MB)Commentary
For Merit, the student needs to skilfully use complex performance skills associated with a drama/theatre form or period.
This involves working with competence, control and a sense of purpose. It requires the sustained use of appropriate features to support the dramatic context of the performance.
This student has presented the form of Commedia Dell Arte. The exemplified student is in the role of Punch/Pulcinella with Pantalone only. He wears a long cerise jacket and grey shorts.
00:27 |
The student enters purposefully as Punch/Pulcinella with the dialogue ‘stupid Pantalone’, to establish his role and gain attention from the audience. |
00:40 |
The dialogue, directed to the audience skilfully, reflects his low status, and he foreshadows the underhand plot against Pantalone. This shows competence and understanding of traditional Commedia plotlines to then contribute to the improvised nature of this form. |
01:18 |
While he is doing ‘work’ for Pantalone, his posture and use of mask is sustained. |
06:42 |
Punch ‘steals’ Pantalone’s money bag with skilful use of comic timing and this supports his role’s intention to ‘always get something for himself’. He develops the plot so that ‘he has got one over the master’. This creates comedy and moves towards the Excellence grade by enhancing the performance. |
To reach Excellence, the student could be more convincing with the use of status. During the time he is ‘working’ for Pantalone, his use of head undulations, further hunching of his back to exaggerate his crippled posture, and movement of the chin to create impact with his mask would enhance the performance.
Low Merit
91216B Exemplar Low Merit (ZIP | 26 MB)Commentary
For Merit, the student needs to skilfully use complex performance skills associated with a drama/theatre form or period.
This involves working with competence, control and a sense of purpose. It requires the sustained use of appropriate features to support the dramatic context of the performance.
This student has presented the form of Commedia Dell Arte. The exemplified student plays Pulcinella/Punch in a shared role. The student wears a dark pink coat. Her scenes are the first Punch entrance and the fourth Punch entrance. She wears a black t-shirt with white writing.
00:30 |
The student presents the mask as she enters the space, supporting the audience’s ability to identify with the role. This indicates some competence in the use of mask. Her voice is whiney and has an obsequious tone used to show her subservient nature to Pantalone. |
01:13 |
The student uses the mask to relate to the audience in a manner that supports controlled execution of mask technique and the appearance of being ‘crippled’ with a hump is sustained. |
01:49 |
The spitting lazzi is purposefully placed in this scene, and gave the audience time to realise what Punch was really like and added to the comedy. This supports the dramatic context of the performance. |
For a more secure Merit, the student could use complex performance skills to convey the physicality of the stock character and its relationships more skilfully. The body could be used more purposefully to create variety and interest and to demonstrate competence of the physical characteristics of this role.
High Achieved
91216B Exemplar High Achieved (ZIP | 25 MB)Commentary
For Achieved, the student needs to use complex performance skills associated with drama/theatre form or period.
This involves demonstrating physical and historical conventions, with layers of meaning or a level of abstraction to convey the intention of the dramatic context and support in performance.
This student has presented the form of Commedia Dell Arte. The exemplified student is wearing black pants, a black cape and a black top with white on it.
00:06 |
The intention for the role is communicated through the plot line about the flowers and characteristics of babbling randomly are realised. This conveys the intention of the stock character and the dramatic context. The student uses complex performance skills appropriately on occasion, demonstrating upper body movement to show the personality of her character. |
00:50-01:44 |
She speaks at an appropriate pace and her interaction playing to the low status character of Arlecchino conveys the intention of her role to support the dramatic context with layers of meaning. |
To reach Merit, the student could apply more confidence and competence with body and voice. The lower body needs to be slightly stronger, and the voice more consistently in a pompous tone. Her entrances and exits need to be slower to demonstrate control. With greater connection between the body and mask, the impact of mask could also be skilful.
Low Achieved
91216B Exemplar Low Achieved (ZIP | 39 MB)Commentary
For Achieved, the student needs to use complex performance skills associated with drama/theatre form or period.
This involves demonstrating physical and historical conventions with layers of meaning or a level of abstraction to convey the intention of the dramatic context and support in performance.
This student has addressed the form of Greek Drama. The exemplified student plays Antigone. She is the first on stage and wears a burgundy sash.
00:08-00:12 |
Complex performance skills of vocal quality and gesture are heightened. There is a gestural reference to the Gods that supports the intention of the text/dialogue. |
00:26 |
The student uses presentational mode and gesture, embodying layers of meaning when she addresses the audience as the city. This supports the didactic nature of Greek theatre. |
00:34 - 00:48 |
The student maintains pose and position, thus supporting the notion of ritual, and also supporting the focus on Ismene in a manner that is appropriate to the use of complex skills to exemplify performance in a Greek amphitheatre. |
01:10 |
The student uses heightened gesture to refer to all of the parties in this conflict, thereby creating the location of the Chorus, and Creon on the ‘skene’. This supports the historical conventions of the form. |
For a more secure Achieved, the student could use complex performance skills with more abstraction within the mask, keeping her head up and more fully utilising presentational mode to connect with the audience in a manner that is more suited to the historical conventions of the Greek Ampitheatre. Her interactions with Ismene could also be less naturalistic.
High Not Achieved
91216B Exemplar High Not Achieved (PDF | 752 KB)Commentary
For Achieved, the student needs to use complex performance skills associated with drama/theatre form or period.
This involves demonstrating physical and historical conventions with layers of meaning or a level of abstraction to convey the intention of the dramatic context and support in performance.
The student would have presented the form of Commedia Dell Arte as Il Dottore.
The underhand plotting is created and the dialogue begins to support the dramatic context.
For Achieved, the student could observe the protocol of mask and the historical conventions of the form at an appropriate level. The mask needs to be enhanced by body and movement adequately, and comedy of role needs to be more evident. Complex performance skills to show an awareness of physical impact and interaction with the audience needs to be developed.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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