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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to critically evaluate measures that may be taken to sustain and/or improve a biophysical environment.
This involves drawing insightful conclusions about the effectiveness of the measures with reference to aspects of sustainability. The conclusions may include projections of future impacts and discussion of wider implications of the measures.
The student has researched the biophysical characteristics of the Poor Knights Islands environment.
The student has investigated how marine reserves could support the New Zealand commercial and recreational fishing industry for future generations (1), and identified actions that refer to aspects of environmental sustainability, with possible impacts (2).
The student has drawn insightful conclusions, and projected impacts of not taking action on improving marine environments, for example impacts on water quality (3) and the export industry (4).
Wider implications have been discussed in terms of social and economic sustainability. For example, the student discussed impacts from farming, and how the tourism industry could decline if biophysical environments are degraded (5).
The student has critically evaluated measures taken to ensure future sustainability of New Zealand’s marine environment (6). They have included insight into possible measures that could be used to ensure environmental and economic sustainability (7
For a more secure Excellence, the student could explain in more detail why marine reserves are effective and how and why wider limits and restrictions would be effective in ensuring a sustainable future and provide specific evidence to support this. For example, how and why are other species becoming vulnerable because of human activity.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to evaluate, in depth, measures that may be taken to sustain and/or improve a biophysical environment.
This involves drawing informed conclusions based on examples and evidence about which measure(s) may be most effective in terms of sustaining and/or improving a biophysical environment.
Economic and environmental aspects of sustainability are considered through tourism and commercial operations.
When drawing conclusions, the student has provided several reasons in terms of the effectiveness of the measures to sustain or improve the biophysical environment, and examples are given to support them.
Tourist operators attest to the importance of the marine reserve in terms of biodiversity and thriving ecosystems (1).
There is reference to commercial fishing industry data and the importance of no-take marine reserves (2).
Official data for other marine reserves such as Tawharanui and Hahei has been referenced in terms of patterns of crayfish numbers (3).
The student has considered which measure may be more effective in terms of a sustainable future – partial reserves (4) and full protection reserves (5). They have included official data (6) and personal observation (7) to support this.
To reach Excellence, the student could consider whether the location of marine reserves effects their success and/or whether marine reserves on their own are sufficient to ensure a sustainable future. For example, are easily accessed marine reserves as successful as those less accessible and should there be limits on non-commercial species?
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to evaluate, in depth, measures that may be taken to sustain and/or improve a biophysical environment.
This involves drawing informed conclusions based on examples and evidence about which measure(s) may be most effective in terms of sustaining and/or improving a biophysical environment.
When drawing informed conclusions, the student has provided several reasons in terms of the effectiveness of the measures to sustain or improve the biophysical environment and examples are given to support them.
The student draws informed conclusions, using data, about measures to improve and/or sustain the biophysical environment e.g. native plantings (1), mulching (2), biodiesel (3), reducing greenhouse gas emissions (4).
Information is provided on the economic decision to install wind turbines and the amount of energy this produces on a yearly basis (5). The student has nominated this as the most effective measure for sustainability (6).
For a more secure Merit, the student could provide more detail in terms of the effectiveness of the measures to sustain or improve the environment. For example, more detail could be provided about how the use of biofuels, savings in water (re-mulching), and savings in power improve the biophysical environment in terms of environmental and economic sustainability.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to evaluate measures that may be taken to sustain and/or improve a biophysical environment.
This involves:
- carrying out research and/or a practical inquiry to:
- analyse the characteristics of a biophysical environment
- analyse the nature of the relationship between humans and the biophysical environment in relation to aspects of sustainability.
- analysing the potential of possible measures that sustain and/or improve the biophysical environment now and for the future
- drawing conclusions about which measure(s) may be most effective in terms of sustaining and/or improving the biophysical environment.
The characteristics of the biophysical environment are analysed, for example, climate (1), soil (2), agricultural use (3) and wetlands (4).
The nature of the relationship between humans and the habitat is analysed by explaining changes to the biophysical environment: drainage (5), water storage/irrigation (6), landscape, and the effects of monoculture (7).
Measures to improve the environment are analysed, for example solar panels (8) wetland creation (9) and biological controls (10).
A conclusion is drawn about which measure was the most effective (11).
To reach Merit, the student could provide further data and explanation to better inform their reasoning as to why they considered wetland restoration to be the most effective measure to sustain the biophysical environment. For example, why is wetland restoration more effective that solar power?
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to evaluate measures that may be taken to sustain and/or improve a biophysical environment.
This involves:
- carrying out research and/or a practical inquiry to:
- analyse the characteristics of a biophysical environment
- analyse the nature of the relationship between humans and the biophysical environment in relation to aspects of sustainability.
- analysing the potential of possible measures that sustain and/or improve the biophysical environment now and for the future
- drawing conclusions about which measure(s) may be most effective in terms of sustaining and/or improving the biophysical environment.
This student has researched and analysed characteristics of the biophysical environment: vineyard operation (1), birdlife (2) and physical features (3).
They have analysed the nature of the relationship between humans and the biophysical environment: water storage (4), swale construction and reticulation (5), in relation to economic (6) and environmental (7) aspects of sustainability.
The student has analysed measures taken to sustain the biophysical environment: biodiversity (8), biocontrol (9) and wetland development (10).
In their analysis, the student has considered that a combination of measures undertaken have the potential to contribute to a sustainable future (11).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could explain in greater depth, their reasoning behind the most effective measures chosen to sustain the biophysical environment using data to inform their decision.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to evaluate measures that may be taken to sustain and/or improve a biophysical environment.
This involves:
- carrying out research and/or a practical inquiry to:
- analyse the characteristics of a biophysical environment
- analyse the nature of the relationship between humans and the biophysical environment in relation to aspects of sustainability.
- analysing the potential of possible measures that sustain and/or improve the biophysical environment now and for the future
- drawing conclusions about which measure(s) may be most effective in terms of sustaining and/or improving the biophysical environment.
The student has briefly analysed the Uretara stream (1). For example, they have described the lifecycle of the inanga (2), briefly described the food web in terms of the inanga (3), identified how human interaction with the stream has disrupted the habitat for the inanga (4), and identified short and long-term fixes (5).
To reach Achieved, the student could provide some relevant details of recommended fixes and explain how the short and long-term fixes relate to environmental and economic aspects of sustainability.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.