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For Achieved, the learner needs to write two simple texts on everyday topics.
This involves:
- ensuring that the content relates to the topic of each written text
- using text structure which is appropriate to the text type
- using simple language features appropriate to the text type, although there may be some errors and inaccuracies which do not
- obscure meaning
- using vocabulary relevant to the topic and appropriate to the sentence structure.
The learner has written a simple description of a friend, and another text not shown here.
The content is relevant and the text structure is appropriate to the described text type. It begins with a general statement naming the friend and giving her location and relationship to the writer, followed by short paragraphs about her physical appearance and her interests. There is a concluding reflective paragraph.
Simple language features appropriate to the description text type are used. Simple sentences and compound sentences using ‘and’ and ‘but’ are used, usually correctly (1). Simple present and past tense verb forms are used (2), with some inaccuracies. Some simple cohesive devices, including conjunctions and pronoun reference, are used (3).
Simple vocabulary relevant to the topic and usually appropriate to the sentence structure is used.
The meaning of the text is conveyed, with some inaccuracies which do not obscure meaning.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write two simple texts on everyday topics.
This involves:
- ensuring that the content relates to the topic of each written text
- using text structure which is appropriate to the text type
- using simple language features appropriate to the text type, although there may be some errors and inaccuracies which do not obscure meaning
- using vocabulary relevant to the topic and appropriate to the sentence structure.
The learner has written a description of a cousin, and another text not shown here.
The content is relevant. The text structure is generally appropriate to the description text type. It begins with a general statement naming the cousin and giving his age, location and relationship to the writer, followed by sentences about his interests and school friends. The final sentences about a visit and a planned birthday celebration are more appropriate to a recount.
Simple language features appropriate to the description text type are used. Simple sentences are used correctly (1). One compound sentence is attempted with incorrect punctuation and one complex sentence is used (2).
Simple verb forms are used correctly. Simple cohesive devices are limited to the use of pronoun reference (3) and one conjunction (2), although a time connective is also used.
Simple vocabulary is used that is relevant to the topic and appropriate to the sentence structure.
The meaning of the text is conveyed, with minimal inaccuracies that do not obscure meaning.
To reach Achieved, text structure must be appropriate to text type throughout. More complete compound sentences and conjunctions need to be used correctly.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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