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For Achieved, the learner needs to write two simple texts for practical everyday purposes. Each text must be for a separate purpose and assessed on a separate occasion.
This involves:
- ensuring that the content is appropriate to the practical purpose of the text
- using text structure appropriate to the text type
- using simple language features and conventions appropriate to the text type, although there may be errors and inaccuracies which do not obscure meaning
- using vocabulary relevant to the topic and appropriate to the sentence structure.
This learner has written an email to a school librarian requesting Thai language books be available in the library, and another text not shown here.
Content is appropriate to the practical purpose. The request for books in the Thai language is made, and the reason for this is stated. The learner notes the availability of books in Thai in the city library.
Text structure is appropriate to text type. There is an initial statement of purpose followed by specific requests.
Simple language features and conventions appropriate to the email text type are used. Simple and complex sentences (1) and simple verb forms (2) are used. Some inaccuracies occur, such as verb omission and punctuation, but these do not obscure meaning. Conventions include the recipient’s email address and subject, and a salutation and closure. Simple vocabulary relevant to the topic and appropriate to the sentence structure is used.
Not Achieved
For Achieved, the learner needs to write two simple texts for practical everyday purposes. Each text must be for a separate purpose and assessed on a separate occasion.
This involves:
- ensuring that the content is appropriate to the practical purpose of the text
- using text structure appropriate to the text type
- using simple language features and conventions appropriate to the text type, although there may be errors and inaccuracies which do not obscure meaning
- using vocabulary relevant to the topic and appropriate to the sentence structure.
This learner has written an email requesting information about bus travel, and another text not shown here.
Some content is appropriate to the practical purpose. General locations are provided, but more specific information is required. Travel dates are given without specifying the month. Relevant questions about departure and arrival times, the bus station address, ticket cost and student discount are asked.
Text structure is generally appropriate to text type. There is an initial statement of purpose followed by specific queries.
Simple language features and conventions appropriate to text type are used. Simple sentences, direct and indirect question forms (1) and simple verb forms (2) are used. Compound sentences are attempted (3). Errors and inaccuracies occur, e.g. verb omission and word order, but these do not obscure meaning. Conventions include the recipient’s email address and subject, and a formal salutation and closure.
Simple vocabulary relevant to the topic is used. There are errors and inaccuracies in grammatical form, e.g. ‘what time departure’, ‘what time arrive’.
To reach Achieved, the learner could include the specific information required to achieve the practical purpose of the text.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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