US 31020 annotated exemplars

Participate in an interview on a familiar topic

English Language | Level 2
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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For Achieved, the learner needs to participate in an interview on a familiar topic.

This involves:

  • using conventions of social interactions appropriate to the context and participants
  • conveying information which is appropriate to questions asked and can be understood, although hesitations, errors and inconsistencies may occur
  • using interactive strategies
  • demonstrating emerging spontaneity.

This learner has participated in an interview about her school studies.

Appropriate social interaction conventions are demonstrated. Although the greeting is informal and ‘yep’, ‘wanna’ and ‘ok’ are used, the learner’s demeanour is polite and respectful and common courtesies are observed, e.g. ‘Thank you’.

Learner responses consistently convey information appropriate to the questions asked. Errors and inconsistencies in verb tense and form occur, e.g. ‘I’m really nervous’, ‘My family come…’, ‘I done…’, but the responses can be understood.

There is sufficient evidence of the ability to use present and past verb forms, e.g. ’I started playing rugby’, ‘My coach told me…’, ‘We went…’. The learner can tell the interviewer what she would like to do in the future, although no future tense forms are used.

Word choice and grammatical form are usually correct. Phonological features (audibility, pronunciation and intonation) are strong. Mispronunciation at word level is rare. Hesitations occur only when the learner is thinking about what to say.

Some interactive strategies are used, notably non-verbal strategies, e.g. eye contact, body language, smiling. The learner clarifies what her future job involves.

Spontaneity is emerging. This is evidenced particularly in responses about playing rugby and studying mathematics.

Achieved - Video

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