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For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of specific aspects of studied text.
This involves:
- describing specific aspects of a text
- describing how specific aspects create engagement with, or viewpoints on, a text
- supporting descriptions with examples from the text.
This student has described how specific aspects in ‘Perfect Match’ create engagement with the text. Several specific aspects have been accurately identified and described. These aspects include character (actions, relationships, conflict), language techniques (dialogue, repetition) and ideas. For example, “The technique used to display these quotes is repetition, from Sai continuously asking Tilly questions like these throughout the day beginning with ‘Hey Tilly’”.
The student describes how the specific aspects create engagement by providing a personal response to the text, about topics such as technology addiction and over-reliance on technology. For example, “I understand the author's idea that people like Sai are reliant on technology if they revolve their lives around it.” The ideas about the impact this addiction and over-reliance has on relationships is linked to the student’s own experiences, “I see it everyday, I see it in my friends when they’re always on their phones at school.”
Examples from the text and from the student’s life help describe the link between aspects and engagement.
For Merit, the student could explain how specific aspects work together to create a combined effect. The explanation could consider how combining specific aspects helps the reader to develop new understandings or different viewpoints on the text.
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate convincing understanding of specific aspects of studied text.
This involves:
- explaining how specific aspects work together to create engagement with, or viewpoints on, a text
- supporting explanations with examples from the text.
This student has explained how specific aspects work together to create engagement or viewpoints on the film ‘Hidden Figures’. The specific aspects are clearly articulated, with a discussion of the setting establishing a foundation to consider the combined effect of character and film techniques.
Aspects of character are identified to build a picture of Mary’s growing motivation and determination to become an engineer, e.g. “nervous and worried”, “her speech about being the first”, “quiet demeanour”, “growing confidence”. The explanation of character is connected with specific film techniques, “close-up shots and over-the-shoulder shots to show the expressions of Mary and the Judge’s face during her speech”.
The explanation of aspects leads to thoughtful consideration of how the viewer is connected to the characters, with new understanding of the impact this decision had on society. For example, “This decision also helped women attain more equal rights…” Further engagement with the text is demonstrated through a personal response to the issue. “Women could do as much as men… and should have as many opportunities…”
For Excellence, the student could develop a perceptive response that gives explicit consideration to the relationship between specific aspects and the director’s purpose. This could include a discussion of possible interpretations, taking into account relevant social or political ideas.
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate perceptive understanding of specific aspects of studied text.
This involves:
- discussing the relationship between specific aspects of a text, and the author's purpose or wider context, using examples from the text
- supporting discussion with examples from the text.
This student has discussed the relationship between specific aspects in the novel ‘Legacy’ and the author’s purpose and wider context. They do this by framing the response around the role propaganda plays in times of war and peace. The perceptive discussion focuses on the author’s purpose, then uses the specific aspects to support several key points about the role and effect of propaganda in the text and wider society.
Insights into connections between the specific aspects of characterisation (character actions, beliefs, opinions) and symbolism are given. These are well linked to examples within and beyond the text, demonstrating a perceptive understanding. For example, “The cassette tapes are about giving Te Ariki a voice to share their stories instead of the ones we are told… rather than sharing the stories that should be told.”
There is evidence of consideration of other interpretations, e.g. “It’s about changing the way people view war and the veterans…[as] humans who have gone through a dreadful experience.” The overall purpose of Awhina’s character and her role within the narrative to emphasise the danger of propaganda and the need for all voices to be heard is thoroughly considered. Each point is supported with examples from the text.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars consist of student evidence, with commentary, to explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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