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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to give an effective spoken presentation in French that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Effective French will be shown by the capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is controlled and integrated.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
The student gives a very realistic speech for a wedding, communicating information, and expressing and justifying ideas and opinions, for example, ‘je vais essayer de ne pas pleurer’, ‘elle a l’esprit sensible’, ‘elle écoute leurs problèmes avec patience’.
The development is controlled. For example, there are sentences which explain her ideas, such as ‘Quand j’ai rencontré [name] j’ai su qu’elle était différente’ and ‘je pouvais être moi au prés d’elle’.
The student’s sentences and ideas relate to each other and the topic, and flow clearly, for example, ‘c’est un grand plaisir pour moi d’être ici ce soir et je vais essayer de ne pas pleurer avant de finir mon discours’.
For a more secure Excellence, the student needs to show improved consistency with pronunciation, to ensure that this does not interfere with communication of the message, such as, ‘minuit’.
Further, the reasonably consistent errors in tense, for example, ‘elle a trouve’, ‘elle s’assis à côté de moi’, do threaten to hinder communication in places. More care with language in some places, for example, ‘l’homme de ses reveils’, would result in a more secure Excellence.
Video for Low Excellence interaction (3:24 mins)
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation in French that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Convincing French will be shown by the selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions, for example, ‘je me sens très heureuse d’être ici ce soir’, ‘je dirai que ce couple est fait l’un pour l’autre’.
The language is credible and connected, with sentences linked in sensible ways and fitted to the purpose of the task. There is some development, for example, ‘A mon avis elle a trouvé l’homme de ses rêves, aussi bien que l’ami de sa vie’.
In the second half of the presentation, the language tends to be largely descriptive, for example, ‘[name] est calme et elle écoute bien’, ‘elle a un grand cœur’, ‘Luc est très bavard’, ‘il est aussi très affectueux’, ‘ils aiment les mêmes choses’ and ‘les gens très heureux’.
To reach Excellence, the student could show additional evidence of an ability to link sentences to reflect more developed language.
The presentation is perhaps a little short. Whilst length does not denote quality, another section, for example, on the couple’s future plans, would provide further evidence of a range of language.
Video for High Merit interaction (1:55 mins)
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation in French that that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Convincing French will be shown by the selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions, for example, ‘J’e veux empêcher le mariage de [name] et [name] parce que je voudrais la sauver de son quatrième mariage douloureux’.
Overall, the language is developed for example, ‘Ici, maintenant, [name] est sur le point de faire une grande erreur’ and there is a range of language that is connected. In this instance, the speaker would seem to be capable of Excellence.
For a more secure Merit, inconsistencies in pronunciation, intonation and the rhythm patterns would need to have less effect on the communication of the message.
The student could work on practicing delivery, for example, by slowing down and pausing at full stops instead of mid-sentence, and by checking the pronunciation of more difficult words such as ‘le coup de foudre’ etc. This would result in a presentation that reflected the level of language used.
As a presentation standard, the features listed in Explanatory Note 2 of the standard will impact on the grade if such inconsistencies interfere with the communication of the message.
Video for Low Merit interaction (2:31 mins)
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation in French that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions, for example, ‘c’est important de partir en vacances de nos jours car le lycée est carrément difficile et il y a beaucoup de stresse’.
There is some evidence of language at this level, for example, ‘faites attention aux autres indications de sécurité’ and ‘nous avions oublié de faire une réservation’.
There is an attempt at a range of language.
To reach Merit, there would be additional evidence of this criteria, such as, ‘les profs nous donner trop de devoirs’, ‘et ne penser à faire’, ‘beaucoup des activités faire’ or ‘un paysage magnifique voir’.
Inconsistencies show mother tongue interference, for example, ‘pour accommodation’, which means that communication has been significantly hindered.
Further, to reach Merit there will be less of an impression that the speech is being read. Inconsistencies in rhythm patterns, intonation and the speed of delivery will have less impact on communication of the message.
Video for High Achieved interaction (2:17 mins)
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation in French that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions, for example, ‘l’an dernier il a reçu son doctorat en musique’,‘il a dit oui mais seulement si elle me demande’, ‘au début [name] était fâché’ and ‘malheureusement étant un an plus jeune que [name] et [name]’.
For a more secure Achieved, inconsistencies will have less impact on comprehension of the message, for example, ‘je ne serai pas devenu mari depuis trente ans’.
More correct use of French would also assist overall comprehension, for example, ‘je ne suis pas sure…j’ai une liste de conseils (pron) de quelques personnes peut experiencer’ and ‘ne pas avoir peur de’.
Video for Low Achieved interaction (3:57 mins)
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation inn French that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
There is an attempt at language at the level to give information and justify, for example, ‘ce que je sujet (suggère), de te venir ici’, ‘c’est absolument important parce que c’est le seul temps de voyager autour de monde’, ‘nous avoir besoin des vacances parce que…’ and ‘mon ami et moi nous pourrions des deux verres’.
To reach Achieved, there needs to be evidence of some mastery of language at level 7 of the NZC.
Additional evidence of mastery of lower level language would also help to contribute to an overall Achieved presentation, for example, ‘le Picton est situé en sud de Nouvelle-Zélande’ and ‘une fantastique destination’ and ‘tout le monde sont très gentils’.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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TKI French assessment resources (external link)