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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective French that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Effective French will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is controlled and integrated and capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
The student expresses and justifies information/ideas and opinions and there is development for example, 'Je pense que les règlements sont utiles et bien parce que les règlements nous protègent' (1), 'une grande amitié, c’est quand on a besoin d’être ensemble' (7).
The texts show a range of language and a clear repertoire of acquired language for example, grammar, vocabulary and formulaic expressions, and there is some evidence of an ability to move beyond the largely formulaic for example, 'c’est un lieu assez riche culturellement’ (3), ‘vous ne pouvez pas quitter Rotorua sans manger le hangi' (5).
Language is generally chosen successfully and used appropriately such as, appropriate tenses and adjectives.
Inconsistencies such as, 'c’est très belle’ (2), ‘il y a geysers’ (4), ‘à mon avis copains sont très importants' (6), overall, do not hinder communication.
For a more secure Excellence this writing could show more integrated development through the use of a mixture of the shorter sentences generally used and more connected or developed phrases.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective French that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Convincing French will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected and selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student expresses and justifies information/ideas and opinions and there is some development of this information for example, 'En été on peut nager dans la mer avec des tortues, c’est très amusant' (2), ‘il est essentiel de visiter Rotorua’ (5), ‘Malheureusement, mon frère est très pénible et on s’entend plutôt mal’ (9).
There is a range of language shown, for example, by giving advice 'à mon avis’ (3), ‘il est essentiel de’ (5), ‘vous devriez’ (1), ‘je vous conseille de' and some good use of formulaic expressions for example, 'on sait toujours quoi mettre’ (10), ‘on s’entend plutôt bien' (11).
To achieve Excellence inconsistencies will not impact on communication for example, 'pour moi j’aime l’hiver parce qu’il fait nager à la plage’ (4), ‘il y a très les régles au lycée’ (12), ‘je vous conseille de hangi quand tu faire la cuisine à la terre' (7). Where students have time to revisit their work, frequency of inconsistencies with basic accents will be minimised for example, ‘trés’ (8)
Also, to reach Excellence there will be additional evidence of capable selection and successful use of a range of language to provide evidence of justifying ideas and opinions as well as expressing them.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types in effective French that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Convincing French will be shown by development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected and selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student expresses and justifies information/ideas and opinions for example, Je dois le porter tous les jours, mais je ne l’aime pas parce que je crois que des uniformes suppriment l’individualité’ (5)and there is some development of information for example, 'en plus il y a des guides qui t’expliquent comment tu dois te comporter’ (2).
To sit more securely in Merit there will be additional evidence of mastery of a range of language, moving beyond simply providing information into further evidence of giving opinions and ideas and justifying them.
Also, for a more secure Merit inconsistencies will have less impact on communication for example, 'la région est une resorte de vacances’ (1), ‘je suis une studente internationale’ (4), ‘parce qu’on mets beaucoup de gens differents’ (3)
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in French that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.
The student communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions for example, 'je suis généreuse, honnête et j’ai un esprit sensible. Mes amis pensent que je suis intelligente' (1),'je n’aurais pas peur de cette vie parce que je veux voyager. (2)'
Overall, the writing is understandable despite inconsistencies for example, 'je voudrais m’amuser à l’école avec mes amis et trover l’argent donc je peux aller en France avec ma classe de français'(3).
To achieve Merit this student could show further evidence of development for example short simple sentences could be linked and provide reasons, explanations and justifications.
To also achieve Merit there will be additional evidence of a range of language and inconsistencies will not significantly hinder communication such as, ‘Son recherches sur l’histoire de Vel d’Hiv conduit lui a compris la vie de Sarah, les tragédies personnels en France à cette temps’ (4).
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in French that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.
The student communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions for example, 'ce film est une belle pièce …(3) il laisse le public sur le bord de leurs sièges'(4).
Overall, the message is understandable for example, 'je verrais tout les sites touriste que je rêvé de'(1), 'gens que je ne connaitre pas pense que je suis un peu méchante mais je suis juste timide donc malheureusement c’est assez difficile à faire nouveau amis'(2).
To sit more securely in the achieved category there would need to be evidence of a more thorough command of some of the language expected at this level.
Further, there will be additional evidence of an ability to justify as well as express information and opinions.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types in French that communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall despite inconsistencies.
There is evidence of giving an opinion for example, 'Personnellement, j’ai trouvé ce film très émouvant’ (3)
To reach achieved the standard inconsistencies will not hinder communication for example, incomplete sentences 'il y aura du soleil mais il y aura du' (1) and language inconsistencies for example, ‘L’histoire de Sarah qui est étroitement liée à l’histoire de l’illumination de Julia n’est pas l’ombre de vouloir montrer aux gens comment le mauvais le vélodrome d’hiver a été’ (2)
Further, in order to achieve the standard the student needs to show some mastery of French expressions to justify ideas and opinions.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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TKI French assessment resources (external link)