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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to give a clear, effective spoken presentation in French that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint in French that is controlled and integrated. There will be capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
There is a range of language successfully used, with controlled and integrated development. There is clear evidence of the student’s ability to give a critical response in French, for example, the student evaluates an experience that they have undergone and refers to some of the positive and negative points of two cultural habits. They make clear cultural connections and comparisons.
The student shares personal perspectives (giving their own opinion and reaching the conclusion that they have changed their point of view) and reflects the view of others (comparing habits on a more global scale for alcohol and binge drinking). The talk is logically organised with appropriate link words.
For a more secure Excellence, there would be more consistent evidence of quality in the delivery features of the presentation. The monotone delivery means that communication is at risk in places, as it becomes hard to follow what is said. There are some very long sentences that sometimes become a struggle for both the student and the listener.
The speaker could work on the presentation aspects to enhance communication with the audience.
Video for Low Excellence interaction (5:02 mins)
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a clear, convincing spoken presentation in French that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint in French that is credible and connected. There will be a range of language and language features. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
There is evaluation of the stimulus material (a trip to New Caledonia). There is evidence of analysis, such as, why French people might eat rare meat. The student gives their personal perspective on various issues, and concludes with their own preference towards food and mealtimes. They put forward the view of others by mentioning their friend’s reactions, and they also identify some aspects of New Zealanders’ attitudes.
To reach Excellence, inconsistencies would not hinder communication, for example, through pronunciation issues such as ‘goutte (goût)’, ‘et les parents de Tom étaye (étaient) étonnés quand ils ont vu mon (accommodation?)’, ‘ils joissent la nourriture’.
Further, there would be additional evidence of capable selection and successful use of language. Language such as ‘monnaie néo-zélandais’, ‘j’ai réalisé que le déjeuner’, ‘un repas cuire’, ‘ne pas le midi’, ‘mangeions (for present tense)’, ‘nous sommes le fanta’ does not meet these criteria.
Video for High Merit interaction (3:54 mins)
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to give a clear, convincing spoken presentation in French that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint in French that is credible and connected. There will be a range of language and language features. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
There is a critical response through a synopsis of the film and the student’s reactions to it. They show features of interpretation by talking about the differences and similarities between French and NZ school systems. The student evaluates that the movie made the cultural differences explicit. There are personal perspectives on the discipline in their school.
The presentation is logically organised. Language is generally credible and connected, for example, by linking words and sentence starters such as ‘en plus’, ‘au lieu de’, ‘cependant’, ‘en conclusion’.
For a more secure Merit, there would be additional evidence of a range of language. More care with language such as ‘pour vous parler le sujét’, et les aspects de la culture français montre dans le film’ would result in this language contributing to the range criteria.
There could be less repetition of language, for example, ‘similaires’, and the student could move beyond just expressing their own views into exploring and supporting or challenging those of others.
Language features such as pronunciation, for example, ‘certains aspects’, ‘des conflicts’, ‘jours’, ‘authorité’, ‘le cas’, ‘un thème majeur’ would need to have less impact on the overall quality of the presentation.
Video for Low Merit interaction (3:52 mins)
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a clear spoken presentation in French that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
There is some evidence of a critical response to stimulus material (a trip to New Caledonia). There is some evidence of interpretation in the contrasts with New Zealand. Personal perspective is shown through the student’s stated preferences and their recommendation that others take part in an exchange. There is evidence of appropriate selection of language, for example,‘lorsque’, ‘accroché aux murs’, ‘ailleurs’, ‘afin que’, ‘je recommande sans hésiter que’.
To reach Merit, communication would not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies caused by problems with intonation and pronunciation, for example, ‘un billet’, ‘béton’, ‘niveaux’, ‘pouvaient’, ‘je vous recommande de rester avec un (habitat) de (?) qui vie dans la (vie)’. Near the end, the intonation issues mean that the listener needs to listen several times to understand the message.
Further, there would be additional evidence of language which moves beyond the largely descriptive (describing the buildings and the school day) into further analysis, evaluation, or supporting/challenging the views of others.
Since this is a presentation, inappropriate intonation, pausing, pronunciation, etc. will have an impact on the grade awarded.
Video for High Achieved interaction (4:00 mins)
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a clear spoken presentation in French that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student gives a critical response to the movie 'Amélie'. There is analysis and interpretation of the movie, for example, the themes of the movie and the student’s opinions on it. They give a personal viewpoint and explain this, for example that it reminds them of cartoons. The message is communicated overall.
For a more secure Achieved, pronunciation and grammatical inconsistencies would impact less on the overall understanding of the message.
Further, there would be additional evidence of mastery of language at this level, and additional success with language reflecting lower curriculum levels, for example, ‘il y a avait’.
Video for Low Achieved interaction (3:12 mins)
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to give a clear spoken presentation in French that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.
This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
There is an attempt to give a critical response to stimulus material (‘la bise’), and an attempt to justify a viewpoint and explore the view of others: ‘je ne crois pas que mes amis…’.
To reach Achieved, inconsistencies would not hinder communication. Tense, word order problems and lexical errors hinder communication to a degree that parts of the message are lost, for example, ‘elle vivant’, ‘sur un chaque joué’, ‘elle n’ignorait pas personne’, ‘j’en comment’.
Further, there would be additional evidence of mastery of the language needed in a critical response, for example, analysis, evaluation, interpretation, and evidence that the student can move beyond the 'I' and 'We' into exploring the views of others.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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