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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear effective French, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is controlled and integrated, and capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
There is successful use of language to support ideas and perspectives through explanations and evidence, for example, 'Je suppose que la glace ‘hokey pokey’, le rugby et le mouton ne semblent pas très importants mais ces choses bizarres et merveilleuses contribuent à la nation et façonnent l’identité kiwi' (2). To do this, the student uses a range of language at the expected level.
The language is controlled and integrated, for example, ‘je suis très intéressé par la culture française et ses traditions uniques donc j’aimerais découvrir la façon française de vivre’ (1).
For a more secure Excellence, there would be additional consistency with the successful selection of language.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear convincing French, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is credible and connected, and the use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student has explored and justified varied ideas and perspectives, for example, comparing the effect of the storyline and discussing the themes of a film (3), discussing what she learnt from an exchange year in France, and evaluating the benefits of a year away (1).
To reach Excellence, there needs to be additional evidence of control over the language development, especially in the longer sentences – where the idea at the end is no less important than the idea at the beginning, for example, ‘J’aimais ce film, car bien que l’intrigue soit assez simple, les émotions et les thèmes du film soit clairement’ (2).
Further, to reach Excellence there would be additional evidence of successful use of a range of language.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear convincing French, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is credible and connected, and use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student explores and evaluates the themes of the film, presents personal perspectives on their chosen region, and gives evidence to support thoughts about exchanges. There is a range of language, for example, 'Corte est une ville à ne pas manquer' (4), 'il faut que nous fassions des efforts' (1), 'Bien qu’il soit un film pour les adultes' (3), 'qui est caché par les moines qui dirigent l’école' (2).
For a more secure Merit, there would be more consistent evidence that the student is able to credibly connect the language beyond simple sentences.
Further, although the short formulaic language is often well done, for a more secure Merit there would be additional evidence of a range of language which develops the ideas and perspectives mentioned.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear French, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student has given a perspective. The Piaf piece gives a supported personal opinion, and perspective is shown through the comments that they are pleased the Director has not omitted the sombre parts of Piaf’s life as they are important to the story. Other’s opinions are reflected through the critic’s reviews.
There is evidence of some language at the expected level, for example, 'la mer est dangereuse et la marée est forte' (5), 'Elle lutte avec les dépendances' (3), 'une excellente façon de voir les repères' (8), 'j’ai dû rester avec mon frère d’accueil' (7).
To reach Merit, inconsistencies would not significantly hinder communication, for example, 'son père batte avec le manager du cirque et à partir d’Edith’ (1),'Raymond modèle Edith dans à une étoile’ (2), ‘le enivrement est très beau est vert' (6), ‘elle prend presque tout loin' (4). There would also be less mother tongue interference.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear French, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
There is some language to give explanations and support ideas, for example, ‘je sais que je rencontrai beaucoup de difficultés quand je serai en France premièrement…’ (3) and ‘Où les gens se détendent tous les jours et les enfants jouent tous les jours’ (6).
For a more secure Achieved, the language inconsistencies will be less intrusive, for example, inconsistencies such as 'je serai dans l’avion avec votre organisation d’échanges attente arriver en France' (5), 'je commende que vous regardez cette film avec votre copines fille alors… vous pouvez discuter quelle vous avez pense' (1), 'Beaucoup de gens sont restes en Nouvelle-Zélande qui sont des pays différents' (7) do threaten to hinder communication.
This student submitted the writing digitally, and therefore had access to aids such as spell check. There should be few, if any, typos, for example, moins/mois (4), trois/trios (2), pense/pensé (1). If using this form of submission, students should use the editing tools available. Inconsistencies due to digital errors will count in the quality of the overall submission.
Further, there will be additional evidence of mastery of language at this level to justify varied ideas and perspectives.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear French, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
Over the three pieces there are one or two sentences correctly used which reflect the standard required for New Zealand curriculum level 8, for example, 'les autoroutes sont faciles à naviguer' (15), 'La meilleure façon d’explorer est en voiture où à vélo' (14), 'tout dépend de votre attitude' (10).
Language inconsistencies do not generally hinder communication.
To reach Achieved, there needs to be additional evidence of language to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives. Language such as 'c’est un de mon rêves voyager à la France’ (1), 'que il est bien pour les gens voyager et voient autres les cultures' (3), 'je manquerais ma famille' (6), 'c’est ne seule pas de chose différente' (7), 'je crois que les gens de Français auraient très santé en comparaison de les gens de Nouvelle-Zélandaise' (9) does not sufficiently demonstrate this criterion.
Further, there will be additional evidence of mastery of language. Overall, there are a number of inconsistencies where command of the language used would be expected at this level, especially since much of it reflects lower curriculum levels, for example, 'pour votre vacances' (11), 'Cannes sera pour tu' (12), 'il y a beaucoup des plages à aller' (13), 'J’ai travaillée' (2), 'au France' (4), 'vous peux parle' (5), 'j’appris' (8).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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