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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to explain, comprehensively, aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue.
This involves:
- fully explaining the different viewpoints held in relation to the issue, incorporating beliefs, values, and/or perspectives, using geographic terminology, concepts and specific information
- explaining, in detail, how one viewpoint has changed over time
- fully explaining the strength(s) and weakness(es) of different courses of action
- fully justifying a recommended course of action demonstrating why the chosen course of action is better than any other course of action.
The student has comprehensively explained aspects of the geographic issue of using 1080 poison to control possums.
They have fully explained the viewpoint of DOC, including how this viewpoint has changed over time. Both their environmental (1) and economic (4) perspectives are identified and supported with detailed reasons (2). The geographic concept of accessibility is incorporated (3). Why and how the DOC viewpoint has changed over time is explained with supporting detail (5).
The recommended course of action is given with detailed reasons (6). The explanation demonstrates comprehensive understanding when the student weighs up the weaknesses of their solution (8). Alternative courses of action are considered (7).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could consider alternative courses of action in more detail when making a fully justified recommendation. Greater use of statistical evidence relating to the alternative courses of action would provide a more comprehensive justification. For example, the student could compare the costs and financial rewards from trapping with the costs of using 1080.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to explain, in depth, aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue.
This involves:
- explaining, in detail, the different viewpoints individuals (or groups) hold in relation to the issue using specific information
- explaining how one viewpoint has changed over time
- explaining, in detail, the strengths(s) and weakness(es) of different courses of action
- justifying a recommended course of action with detailed reasons.
The student has explained, in depth, aspects of the geographic issue of using 1080 poison to control possums and rats.
They have explained in detail the viewpoint of DOC using statistical evidence and quotes (1). Reasons for the viewpoint are given, demonstrating a depth of understanding of the issue (3), and the geographic concept of accessibility is incorporated (2).
A justified recommendation is made with detailed reasons supporting the use of 1080. The justification is based on economic reasons (4), and its ease of use (5) and safety.
To reach Excellence, the student could more explicitly incorporate beliefs, values and/or perspectives when explaining the viewpoints. For example, the economic and conservation perspectives of DOC could be explained more explicitly.
A fully justified recommendation, as required for Excellence, would need to demonstrate why the chosen course of action is better than any other course of action. The student identifies alternatives, but these need to be developed further (6).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to explain, in depth, aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue.
This involves:
- explaining, in detail, the different viewpoints individuals (or groups) hold in relation to the issue using specific information
- explaining how one viewpoint has changed over time
- explaining, in detail, the strengths(s) and weakness(es) of different courses of action
- justifying a recommended course of action with detailed reasons.
The student has explained, in depth, most aspects of the geographic issue of using 1080 poison to control possums.
The student focuses on how the viewpoint of the wider opposition group to 1080 has changed over time. The explanation focuses on 3 main reasons (1) and different factions within this group (2), which shows a depth of understanding.
Strengths and weaknesses for each course of action are explained with some detail (4).
For a more secure Merit, the student could provide more specific detail for each strength and weakness. For example, more detail could be provided in the number of possums killed per drop, in the cost per drop, or by naming specific locations (3).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue.
This involves:
- describing the nature of the contemporary geographic issue
- explaining different viewpoints individuals (or groups) hold in relation to the issue
- describing how one viewpoint has changed over time
- explaining the strength(s) and weakness(es) of different courses of action to address the issue
providing a recommended course of action with a reason(s).
This student has explained aspects of the geographic issue of using 1080 poison to control possums.
They use a diagram to support the description of the nature of the issue (1). This approach identifies the spatial dimension, and how the issue is related to the natural and cultural environments.
Two different viewpoints have been identified and explained. The viewpoint of a business called Basically Bush is explained, using specific detail (2). The evidence for an alternative to 1080 (3) expands the explanation. The student has described how Basically Bush has changed their viewpoint over time (4).
Strengths and weaknesses for each course of action are explained with some elaboration, which approaches the depth of explanation expected for Merit (5).
To reach Merit, the student needs to explain how the viewpoint has changed over time by further developing the reasons given. For example, how does 1080 impact on the Basically Bush’s fur business?
The explanation of the strengths and weaknesses could be supported with more specific detail. For example, statistics, named locations and case study evidence would show the complexity expected from an explanation at Merit.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue.
This involves:
- describing the nature of the contemporary geographic issue
- explaining different viewpoints individuals (or groups) hold in relation to the issue
- describing how one viewpoint has changed over time
- explaining the strength(s) and weakness(es) of different courses of action to address the issue
- providing a recommended course of action with a reason(s).
This student has explained aspects of the geographic issue of using 1080 poison to control possums.
They clearly explain the viewpoint of Basically Bush (1), and briefly describe how their viewpoint has changed (2). The viewpoint for DOC was also given, demonstrating a response of similar quality.
Some strengths and weaknesses of different courses of action have been briefly explained (3) (6). A recommendation is provided, with two valid reasons (7).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could develop responses further, to demonstrate a greater understanding of the issue and viewpoints held. The repetition of ideas (4) (5) can affect the overall quality of the work, which needs to reflect Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to explain aspects of a contemporary New Zealand geographic issue.
This involves:
- describing the nature of the contemporary geographic issue
- explaining different viewpoints individuals (or groups) hold in relation to the issue
- describing how one viewpoint has changed over time
- explaining the strength(s) and weakness(es) of different courses of action to address the issue
- providing a recommended course of action with a reason(s).
This student has used a diagram (1) to provide some evidence for most aspects of an issue relating to the use of 1080 to control pests.
The viewpoint held by a business called Basically Bush is briefly explained, with reasons given for their opposition to using 1080 (2). How DOC’s viewpoint has changed over time has been simply described, showing some understanding of the issue (4).
To reach Achieved, the student could develop ideas further, and include specific evidence to provide more complete explanations.
When describing the nature of the issue (1), the student could show understanding of the spatial dimension by including a map or referring to specific locations. Using this diagram to support a more detailed description would more accurately reflect the quality of evidence indicative of Level 7 of the New Zealand Curriculum.
The second viewpoint needs to focus more on the issue of using 1080, and an explanation is needed of why DOC supports the use of 1080 as the pesticide of choice (3).
For Achieved, the student needs to explain, rather than describe, the strengths and weaknesses of different courses of action (5).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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