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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to analyse comprehensively aspects of a contemporary geographic issue.
This involves:
- fully explaining how people’s values and perceptions of the issue have led to their responses
- proposing and fully justifying a suitable course of action, showing insight. The justification will use clarity of argument and holistic
- understanding to demonstrate why their solution is better than the alternatives.
This student has addressed the issue of New Zealand’s future energy strategies.
This student has fully explained how the values (1) and perceptions (3) held by the NZRCA led to their response (4). The student shows depth of understanding by explaining how the strength of other lobby groups influences the perception of NZRCA (2).
A suitable course of action is proposed by the student, through clearly arguing the need to have both short term (5) and long term solutions (7). They fully explain the weaknesses and strengths of the proposal and make comparisons with the alternatives (6) (8) (10).
Insight is shown though reference to how the alternatives could affect other sectors of the economy (9) and relationships between alternatives (11).
Holistic understanding of the issue is evident through the discussion of the implications of the proposed course of action and the need for additional measures. The complex approach is justified in that it will achieve a ‘sustainable energy future’ (11).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could provide detail when discussing the issues of the alternative solutions (6), for example providing statistical evidence to show how dependent we currently are on oil imports, and the volatile price of these imports.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to analyse in depth aspects of a contemporary geographic issue.
This involves:
- explaining in detail, how people’s values and perceptions of the issue have led to their responses
proposing a suitable course of action to address the issue and providing a detailed justification of the proposed solution. The justification - demonstrates why the chosen course of action is better than alternatives.
This student has explained in detail the viewpoint of NZRCA with regard to the issue of New Zealand’s future energy strategies.
The explanation includes concerns held by NZRCA (1) which indicates the significance with which this group perceives the issue, and identification of their response (3). The inclusion of quotes from their submission (2), and development of the NZRCA view regarding renewable energy sources (4) adds detail to the explanation.
A suitable course of action is proposed (5). The multi structured solution is explained as needing to address three goals (6), showing understanding of the complexity of this issue.
Detailed explanation of the goals shows in depth analysis. In the explanation the student examines both the positives (7) and implications (8) (9) related to each goal.
The justification includes discussion of two alternatives (10) (11).
To reach Excellence, the student could more fully explain the viewpoint of the NZRCA by explicitly discussing their values and wider concerns, for example the environmental and economic implication of damming more of our rivers.
Greater clarity of argument could have been achieved by integrating the alternatives with the recommended proposal to clearly show the strength of the recommendation.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to analyse in depth aspects of a contemporary geographic issue.
This involves:
- explaining in detail, how people’s values and perceptions of the issue have led to their responses
- proposing a suitable course of action to address the issue and providing a detailed justification of the proposed solution. The justification
- demonstrates why the chosen course of action is better than alternatives.
This student has addressed the issue of New Zealand’s future energy strategies.
This student has proposed a suitable course of action (1) (2), and the strengths of this proposal is explained in some detail (3). The links made between broader goals and the contribution of ‘developing resources’ shows depth of analysis (5).
An alternative focus on environmental responsibility is considered and the explanation makes direct links to the proposal (4).
Detailed explanations of how the Public Health Association and NZ Recreational Canoeing Association responded to this issue were provided (not shown in this extract).
For a more secure Merit, the student could have considered more alternative courses of action, for example the extensive development of our oil and gas resources or development of nuclear energy.
The student could also more clearly distinguish the goals of the energy strategy from the alternative courses of action, specifically with regard to environmental responsibility.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to analyse aspects of a contemporary geographic issue.
This involves:
- explaining the nature of the contemporary geographic issue
- explaining how people’s values and perceptions of the issue have led to their responses
- proposing a suitable course of action to address the issue and justifying the proposed solution.
This student has explained the nature of the issue of human trafficking (A), providing evidence for the main aspects including the spatial dimension focusing on Asia (1). The graphic organiser (A) shows understanding of the interactions between the key political, social and economic factors.
The student identifies the values and perceptions (2) of gangs involved in human trafficking. Direct links are made between their values/perception and their response (3) (4). A group opposed to human trafficking (not included in this extract) was also included in the analysis.
A suitable course of action is proposed (5) and clearly explained showing how the education of women will directly address the issue of human trafficking (6). The solution is justified through discussion of both the short and long term impacts (7) and consideration of an alternative (8).
To reach Merit, the student could maintain the focus on the identified Asian spatial dimension which may encourage the use of more specific detail. The explanation of the response of gangs could have focused on the Chinese Snakeheads and Japanese Yakuza, major gangs involved in human trafficking in Asia.
A detailed justification of the proposed solution ideally needs to consider more than one alternative solution.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to analyse aspects of a contemporary geographic issue.
This involves:
- explaining the nature of the contemporary geographic issue
- explaining how people’s values and perceptions of the issue have led to their responses
- proposing a suitable course of action to address the issue and justifying the proposed solution.
This student has provided a graphic organiser that explains the nature of the issue of human trafficking through examining selected aspects (A). The extract from the map (1) shows a global spatial dimension.
The gang’s values relating to the issue are briefly explained (2) and their perception of the issue is described as ‘low risk’ (3). The human trafficking activities of several large gangs are discussed showing their response to this issue (4).
A solution is proposed and the explanation clearly shows how it will address the issue (5). An alternative is considered (6) and explained as being less effective than the proposal.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could further develop some of the descriptive evidence and use more specific detail.
The student could more tightly define the spatial dimension to focus on one region, which might encourage more depth in the analysis. Arrows could be included on the graphic organiser (A) to show interactions and relationships between the key factors adding further complexity to the explanation.
The student could more explicitly show understanding of how the values and perceptions of the issue led to the responses by the selected groups.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to analyse aspects of a contemporary geographic issue.
This involves:
- explaining the nature of the contemporary geographic issue
- explaining how people’s values and perceptions of the issue have led to their responses
- proposing a suitable course of action to address the issue and justifying the proposed solution.
This student has explained the nature of the issue of New Zealand’s future energy strategies (1), focusing mostly on the environmental significance of the issue (2).
The values of the NZAA are identified (3) and the student has explained the concerns NZAA have regarding future energy supplies (4).
The student proposes and justifies a suitable course of action (5). The proposal is explained as having two stages (6) indicating some depth of understanding. The reference to other sectors of the economy (7) begins to show development of the analysis.
To reach Achieved, the student could emphasise the spatial nature of the issue through use of named areas or the inclusion of a map showing various New Zealand energy sources. The significance of this issue for people could also be further explained through reference to costs, health etc.
The response made by NZAA to the draft energy strategy and how it resulted from their values and perceptions of the issue should be explained. For example, NZAA made a detailed submission to Government regarding cost of oil and the need for security of supply, because they consider petrol costs a significant issue.
A justified solution to the issue needs to include consideration of an alternative solution.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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