AS 91432 annotated exemplars

Analyse aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale

Geography | Level 3
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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TKI Geography assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91432 exemplar Low Excellence (PDF | 109 KB)


For Excellence, the student needs to analyse, comprehensively, aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale.

This involves:

  • fully explaining the factors and/or processes that contribute to the global pattern
  • evaluating, showing insight, the significance of the topic for

The student evidence samples provided are responses to version 2 of the standard, and therefore they do not completely exemplify the changes to the pattern or the significance of the topic for version 3, published in December 2024. Student evidence will be updated when it becomes available.

This student has shown insight and clarity of argument through application of well selected case study evidence and integration of geographic concepts regarding tourism.

A full explanation of the factors/processes contributing to the global pattern was provided, but is not shown in this extract.

The social and economic significance of the topic for people has been explained in detail and evaluated (1, 2). The complexity of the significance is expressed through case study evidence (4, 6), the use of statistical evidence (5) and the multiplier model (3).

To secure Excellence, the student could further evaluate the significance for people, building on the detailed explanation by weighing the positive and negative aspects. With version 3, the environmental, political and cultural significance for people could also be examined to provide a more comprehensive analysis of global tourism.

High Merit

91432 exemplar High Merit (PDF | 101 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to analyse, in depth, aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale.

This involves:

  • explaining, in detail, the factors and/or processes that contribute to the global pattern
  • explaining, in detail, the significance of the topic for people.

The student evidence samples provided are responses to version 2 of the standard, and therefore they do not completely exemplify the changes to the pattern or the significance of the topic for version 3, published in December 2024. Student evidence will be updated when it becomes available.

This student has demonstrated in depth analysis through the explanation of natural and cultural factors contributing to a spatial pattern in the global topic of access to safe water. The explanations show the use of geographic terminology and concepts. The student’s planning diagram (1) shows understanding of how the factors are related and interact to contribute to the global pattern.

A direct link is made between the spatial pattern and climate zones (2). The explanation is developed with detail from global case studies for both water deficit (3) and water surplus areas (5). The explanation demonstrates a complex understanding of relevant climatic factors.

A detailed explanation of the significance of this topic for people (omitted from this extract) was also provided by the student.

For Excellence, the student could explain more fully the interactions between the factors shown on the planning model to provide a more comprehensive analysis.

The student could also further develop the reference to infrastructure and technology within the explanations of climatic factors (4). This would clarify the poverty relationship between these key factors.

A full explanation could also include reference to areas with similar climatic conditions which do not experience limited access to safe water.

Low Merit

91432 exemplar Low Merit (PDF | 109 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to analyse, in depth, aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale.

This involves:

  • explaining, in detail, the factors and/or processes that contribute to the global pattern
  • explaining, in detail, the significance of the topic for

The student evidence samples provided are responses to version 2 of the standard, and therefore they do not completely exemplify the changes to the pattern or the significance of the topic for version 3, published in December 2024. Student evidence will be updated when it becomes available.

The planning diagram (A) demonstrates understanding of the evolving global spatial pattern of tourism and its contributing factors. The analysis is supported with a series of annotated maps illustrating the global spatial pattern, acknowledging how it has evolved from a concentration in Europe to a more dispersed global pattern.

The description of the pattern continues to be developed through careful integration into the detailed explanation of the contributing factors/processes (1). This approach has ensured that the focus remains on the pattern.

Transport (2) is considered a key factor contributing to the initial concentrated spatial pattern and the more recent global dispersed pattern. Colonialism (B) is also explained as a contributing process to the more dispersed global pattern.

The significance of tourism for people is introduced through reference to foreign exchange earnings for the New Zealand and USA economies (4). The significance for people through employment is explained in detail (5).

For a more secure Merit, the student could extend the evidence for the significance of tourism development for people, in order to provide detailed explanations. Links between the employment evidence (5) and related positive social impacts could be made, for example an explanation of social development through investment resulting from tourism related economic growth.

Under version 3 of the standard, the significance could extend beyond economic and social impacts. For example, environmental impacts could also be considered and linked to political pressure to limit tourism, which could be supported with extensive global evidence.

High Achieved

91432 exemplar High Achieved (PDF | 70 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to analyse aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale.

This involves:

  • describing a global pattern of the geographic topic, using geographic terminology
  • explaining the factors and/or processes that contribute to the pattern
  • explaining the significance of the topic for people.

The student evidence samples provided are responses to version 2 of the standard, and therefore they do not completely exemplify the changes to the pattern or the significance of the topic for version 3, published in December 2024. Student evidence will be updated when it becomes available.

This student has described a global spatial pattern relating to availability of safe water, using geographic terminology (1). The response demonstrates a clear understanding of the complexity of the concentrated pattern and of the global spatial dimension (2).

Natural and cultural factors are explained as contributing to the global pattern, with explicit reference to the pattern throughout the explanations (3). The explanations of both arid (4) and monsoon climates (4) and levels of development (5) demonstrate a relatively complex understanding of the selected factor and the causal relationship.

A detailed explanation of the significance of this topic for people (not shown in this extract) was also provided by the student.

To reach Merit, the student could provide detail through use of statistical data in the explanations, or further develop global case study evidence. For example, the student could include human poverty index statistics or details relating to other development indicators, such as improved water source statistics. Either of these approaches would add depth and further define the pattern.

Use of research evidence in the explanation to show how temperatures exacerbate water loss and impact on the availability of safe water (4a) would result in a more detailed response.

Low Achieved

91432 exemplar Low Achieved (PDF | 64 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to analyse aspects of a geographic topic at a global scale.

This involves:

  • describing a global pattern of the geographic topic, using geographic terminology
  • explaining the factors and/or processes that contribute to the pattern
  • explaining the significance of the topic for people.

The student evidence samples provided are responses to version 2 of the standard, and therefore they do not completely exemplify the changes to the pattern or the significance of the topic for version 3, published in December 2024. Student evidence will be updated when it becomes available.

This student has addressed the geographical topic of tourism. The student has combined the first two aspects; the description of the pattern and the explanation of factors/processes contributing to the global pattern. A spatial pattern has been described identifying both concentrations and dispersal (1). This description continues to be developed throughout the response (2).

Transport development is explained as contributing to both the concentrated and dispersed aspects of the spatial pattern, with supporting global evidence (4).

An explanation of the significance of this topic for people (omitted from this extract) was also provided by the student.

For a more secure Achieved, the student could further develop the explanation of a second factor or process. The identified historic and economic factors (3) need to be explained with more specific global evidence.

The student could further develop the chronological discussion of tourism from a concentrated to increasingly dispersed spatial pattern. Focusing on this significant aspect of global tourism would result in a stronger analysis.

See all Geography assessment resources