AS 91549 annotated exemplars

Give a clear spoken presentation in German that communicates a critical response to stimulus material

German | Level 3
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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TKI German assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91549 exemplar Low Excellence (ZIP | 8.7 MB)


For Excellence, the student needs to give a clear, effective spoken presentation in German that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.

This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint in German that is controlled and integrated. There will be capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.

Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.

The presentation demonstrates effective evaluation of the stimulus, i.e. energy production and recycling in NZ.

A range of language is successfully used, with evidence of controlled and integrated development. The student demonstrates an ability to give a critical response in German, e.g. the student evaluates the attitudes to environmental issues (recycling in particular) and refers to some international preconceptions regarding New Zealand. Clear connections and comparisons are evident throughout the presentation.

The student communicates perspectives on New Zealand’s environmental sustainability and reflects critically upon the view of others of New Zealand as a green haven. There are suggestions on improvements that could be made. The talk is logically organised with appropriate link words.

For a more secure Excellence there would be more consistent evidence of quality in the delivery features of the presentation. The irregular delivery and first language interference in pronunciation and stress patterns mean that communication is at risk in places. At times it is difficult to comprehend the meaning. 

Low Excellence exemplar for AS 91549

High Merit

91549 exemplar High Merit (ZIP | 7.5 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to give a clear, convincing spoken presentation in German that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.

This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint in German that is credible and connected. There will be a range of language and language features. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.

Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

The presentation contains evaluation and analysis of the stimulus material, the green image of New Zealand in comparison to other countries. The student’s personal preference for the New Zealand nuclear-free way of energy production is explained and justified clearly.

Language features are selected to enhance the purpose of the presentation.

To reach Excellence, there will be more consistent evidence of quality in the delivery features of the presentation. The monotone delivery means that communication becomes hard to follow. First language interference in stress and pronunciation does occasionally hinder understanding.

The speaker could work on the presentation aspects to enhance communication with the audience.

High Merit exemplar for AS 91549

Low Merit

91549 exemplar Low Merit (ZIP | 17 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to give a clear, convincing spoken presentation in German that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.

This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint in German that is credible and connected. There will be a range of language and language features. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.

Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.

There is a critical response to stimulus material, a synopsis of a film and the student’s reactions to it. This presentation demonstrates a high level of understanding of the art house movie discussed (Der Himmel über Berlin), as well as a very personal interpretation of the stimulus material. The student evaluates underlying themes and gives a critical evaluation of the genre.

The presentation is logically organised. The language is generally credible and connected.

For a more secure Merit, more care with language such as ‘griefbar’, ‘eine Trapezkünssch-künschtlerin’ and ‘ausgezeicheineter’ would result in this language contributing to the range criteria.

Additionally, first language interference with language features such as pronunciation, rhythm and stress would have less impact on the overall quality of the presentation.

Low Merit exemplar for AS 91549

High Achieved

91549 exemplar High Achieved (ZIP | 20 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to give a clear spoken presentation in German that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.

This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

The presentation explains the stimulus material (Oktoberfest) in culturally appropriate German. The student shares perspectives on drinking culture and critically compares both cultures.

To reach Merit, communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies caused by first language interference with intonation and pronunciation. As this is a presentation, inappropriate intonation, pausing, pronunciation, etc. will have an impact on the grade awarded. Frequently, the listener needs to listen several times to understand the message.

Further, there would be additional evidence of language moving beyond the largely descriptive (describing food, drink and history) into further analysis, evaluation or interpretation.

High Achieved exemplar for AS 91549

Low Achieved

91549 exemplar Low Achieved (ZIP | 22 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to give a clear spoken presentation in German that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.

This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

The stimulus for the presentation is Oktoberfest, and the student explains details of the festival as well as expressing personal points of view on certain aspects of it, such as its significance for tourists in particular, and the variety of activites available.

The student uses language appropriately, with colloquial interjections and rethorical questions, e.g. ‘Nicht schlecht, oder?’ Overall the message is communicated.

For a more secure Achieved, there needs to be additional evidence of clear spoken presentation. Inconsistencies in pronunciation and first language interference in sentence cadence would have less impact on the overall understanding. Particularly in the latter part of the presentation, passages such as ‘Theresenweise, enschuldigung, genannt, su Ehren von der kohnprinsesen…’ and ‘…abgesagt, weren Krieg und (incomprehensible), interesant, oder?’ do not sufficiently meet this criterion.

Low Achieved exemplar for AS 91549

High Not Achieved

91549 exemplar High Not Achieved (ZIP | 6.6 MB)


For Achieved, the student needs to give a clear spoken presentation in German that communicates a critical response to stimulus material.

This involves explaining and justifying a viewpoint. Critical response will include analysis, interpretation or evaluation.

Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.

In this presentation, the student attempts to give a critical response to stimulus material (Umwelt) and there is an attempt to justify a viewpoint, i.e. that New Zealand has a better environmental record than other countries. In general, language is appropriately used.

To reach Achieved, inconsistencies will not hinder communication. Pronunciation and errors in word selection will not hinder communication to a degree that certain parts of the message are completely lost, e.g. ‘Das heisst, wir haben keine…’, ‘…dass wir keinen’ and ‘Ich möchte meine Rede mit der…’.

High Achieved exemplar for AS 91549

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