AS 91299 annotated exemplars

Analyse issues related to the provision of food for people with specific food needs

Home Economics | Level 2
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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TKI Home Economics assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91299 Exemplar Low Excellence (PDF | 34 KB)


For Excellence, the student needs to comprehensively analyse issues related to the provision of food for people with specific food needs.

This involves justifying the connections between personal, interpersonal and societal issues, and justifying the health-enhancing strategies used to address these issues.

This student has justified the suggested strategy of seeking professional advice to improve the knowledge of soccer players and their families, and to address issues from a personal, interpersonal and societal perspective.

Connections are justified, showing how and why improving nutritional knowledge and cooking skills will help to meet the specific high-energy needs of the soccer players (an issue from a personal perspective), as well as the family members’ need to keep to a budget (an issue from an interpersonal perspective) (1) (2) (3).

Further connections are made that show how the soccer player, her team mates and their families will be able to read labels (an issue from an interpersonal perspective), and interpret mixed media messages related to sports drinks (an issue from a societal perspective) (4) (5) (6).

For a more secure Excellence, the student could provide more detail in the justification that clearly shows how improved knowledge of key nutrients for enhanced performance (personal perspective) is connected to making choices related to sports drinks (societal perspective).

High Merit

91299 Exemplar High Merit (PDF | 34 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to analyse issues in depth related to the provision of food for people with specific food needs.

This involves giving reasons for health-enhancing strategies used to address these issues.

This student has given reasons for the strategies used to address issues for people with high energy needs (soccer players) from a personal, interpersonal and societal perspective.

From a personal perspective, the issue of adequate fuel intake before and after a soccer competition is explained (2). Examples of food and liquid choices are suggested (2) (3). A reasoned strategy is provided for the soccer players to gain this knowledge (1).

From an interpersonal perspective, the strategy of how to shop wisely and read labels is explained, with reasons that link to meeting the specific food needs (4). A brief suggestion is made of where to find recipes and general advice (5).

From a societal perspective, the issue of media and promotion of sports drinks is explained, and information is provided on the tactics used to influence people (7) (8). A reasoned strategy is provided for soccer players to gain knowledge of what drinks would be suitable for their high energy needs (6).

To reach Excellence, the student could justify the connections between the suggested strategies and how they address issues from more than one perspective.

Low Merit

91299 Exemplar Low Merit (PDF | 33 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to analyse issues in depth related to the provision of food for people with specific food needs.

This involves giving reasons for health-enhancing strategies used to address these issues.

This student has given reasons for the strategies used to address issues for people with high energy needs (soccer players) from an interpersonal and societal perspective.

From an interpersonal perspective, the strategy of making weekly plans/menus is explained with reasons linked to a soccer player, her family and the team mates’ specific food needs (4). A suggestion of where to find a variety of recipes and menu plans is provided (5).

From a societal perspective, the issue of media and promotion of sports drinks is explained, and information is provided on the tactics used to influence people (7). A reasoned strategy is provided for the soccer players to gain knowledge of suitable drinks for their high energy needs (6).

From a personal perspective, the issue of adequate fuel intake is explained (1). Examples of food and liquid choices are suggested (2). A suitable strategy is provided for the soccer players to gain this knowledge (3).

For a more secure Merit, the student could include more detailed reasons that explain how and why the suggested strategy would address issues from a personal perspective. The student could also explain how a suggested magazine would provide suitable information for the soccer team’s high energy needs.

High Achieved

91299 Exemplar High Achieved (PDF | 33 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to analyse issues related to the provision of food for people with specific food needs.

This involves explaining issues related to the provision of food from a personal, interpersonal and societal perspective, and will involve consideration of health-enhancing strategies to address these issues.

This student has explained issues related to the provision of nutritionally adequate food and liquid for people with high energy needs (soccer players) from a personal, interpersonal and societal perspective.

From a personal perspective, the issue of adequate fuel intake is explained with reference to complex carbohydrates (1). The Glycaemic Index is briefly described and connections made to food choices during events (2).

From an interpersonal perspective, the issue of reading labels on food to determine suitable choices is explained with details relating to nutrients of concern (3).

From a societal perspective, the issue of sports drinks is explained and information provided on why they are suitable for high energy users (4) (6). A health enhancing strategy has been suggested by the coach with brief reasons provided on when to drink water and sports drinks (5).

A range of health enhancing strategies is considered. Brief information is provided to show how these strategies could help high energy users.

To reach Merit, the student could explain how and why the nutritional information on packaging can enhance performance. The student could also provide more reasons for the suggested strategies explaining how the soccer team’s performance would be enhanced from all three perspectives.

Low Achieved

91299 Exemplar Low Achieved (PDF | 32 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to analyse issues related to the provision of food for people with specific food needs.

This involves explaining issues related to the provision of food from a personal, interpersonal and societal perspective, and will involve consideration of health-enhancing strategies to address these issues.

This student has briefly explained issues related to the provision of nutritionally adequate food and liquid for people with high energy needs (soccer players), from a personal, interpersonal and societal perspective.

From a personal perspective, the issue of adequate fuel intake is explained with reference to complex carbohydrates and protein as a secondary source. The links between carbohydrates and performance are explained with reference to glycogen levels. Details of how the Glycaemic Index can affect blood sugar levels are provided (1).

From an interpersonal perspective, the issue of buying specials and reading labels for recommended nutrients is briefly described (2).

From a societal perspective, the issue of sports drinks and energy drinks is briefly explained, and information is provided about how to check the suitability of the drink for high energy users (3).

A range of health enhancing strategies is considered. Brief information is provided to show how these strategies could help the soccer players (4).

For a more secure Achieved, the student could explain how interpersonal issues are more closely connected to high energy needs, and how the promotion of drinks by well-known sports players could be an issue for people with high energy needs.

High Not Achieved

91299 Exemplar High Not Achieved (PDF | 48 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to analyse issues related to the provision of food for people with specific food needs.

This involves explaining issues related to the provision of food from a personal, interpersonal and societal perspective and will involve consideration of health-enhancing strategies to address these issues.

This student has briefly explained some issues related to the provision of nutritionally adequate food and liquid for people with high energy needs (soccer players).

From a personal perspective, the issue of adequate fuel intake is explained with reference to carbohydrates. Brief details are provided to show how the Glycaemic Index can enhance performance (1).

From an interpersonal perspective, the issue of getting the correct nutrients from fresh and processed food is identified (2).

From a societal perspective, the issue of the media and advertising is briefly described (3).

Some health enhancing strategies are considered. Brief information is provided to show how these strategies could help the soccer players (4).

To reach Achieved, the student could explain in more detail how the interpersonal issue is connected to the performance needs of high energy users. The student could also explain the difference between energy and sports drinks and how the media influence sports people like the soccer player and her team mates.

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