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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to interact using effective spoken Japanese to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to give explanations or provide evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.
Effective Japanese will be shown by a range of language that is consistently fit for the context, and by skilful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
In all recordings the assessed student is the boy. He speaks first in Interaction 1, and second in Interactions 2 and 3.
The student communicates information by giving explanations and providing evidence to support his own views, e.g. たかすぎると思いますきそくがすこしあるからやさしいと思います.
A range of language has been used that is not only consistently fit for the context but which shows a skilful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies which enable the interaction to be maintained, e.g. ただしいせいふくをきなければならない…することがすきです andしないで下さい.
Communication is not hindered by inconsistencies.
For a more secure Excellence, there would be additional evidence of a repertoire of language such as fillers, seeking clarification, and inviting agreement or disagreement to maintain and sustain the interactions. Asking questions is evidence of one strategy only.
Video for Low Excellence Part 1 (1:10 mins)
Video for Low Excellence Part 2 (1:14 mins)
Video for Low Excellence Part 3 (1:13 mins)
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to interact using convincing spoken Japanese to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to give explanations or provide evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.
Convincing Japanese will be shown by a range of language that is fit for the context, and by generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to support the interaction.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The assessed student speaks first in Interaction 1, second in Interaction two, and first in Interaction 1.
The student communicates information by giving explanations and providing evidence to support their views, e.g.しょうらいことかんがえったことある, 大学に行くつもりだよ日曜日はネットボールのれんしゅうがあるんだ大学に行きたいのでお金がひつようですでもお金, そう and ためなければなりません.
A range of language has been provided that is fit for the context, and there is evidence of language and strategies which support the interactions. For example, the student is able to self correct so that communication is achieved: かいこく…外国…日本語とスペイン語ならいたいんだハンバーガをつけています…つくっています, and also uses fillers and agreements such as そうなのええ, すごいね, すみません and アルバイトでおくれました.
To reach Excellence, inconsistencies will not impact on communication of the message, e.g. わたしはきめてないけど, おもしろいとおもいよ, マクドナルドでハンバーガーをつけてandつかっています.
Video for High Merit Part 1 (1:43 mins)
Video for High Merit Part 2 (1:54 mins)
Video for High Merit Part 3 (00:59 mins)
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to interact using convincing spoken Japanese to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to give explanations or provide evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.
Convincing Japanese will be shown by a range of language that is fit for the context, and by generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to support the interaction.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The assessed student speaks second in all Interactions.
The student communicates information by giving explanations and providing evidence to support their own views, e.g. 先生はみんないい人なのでたのしいです.
There is a natural segue between the first interaction (weekend activity of going to a Department store) and the second interaction (the Department store and talking about what was bought).
There is a range of language that is fit for the context, and generally successful selection from a repertoire of language features and strategies to support the interaction, e.g.買うつもりです, あたたかいと思います, お金がすこしだけある.
There is some evidence that the student self-corrects, e.g. やさい to やすい .
For a more secure Merit, there would be less impact on the communication of the message from inconsistencies such as 一番好きなsingerです.
Also, there could be additional evidence of a range of language features and strategies to maintain the interaction.
Video for Low Merit Part 1 (1:08 mins)
Video for Low Merit Part 2 (1:54 mins)
Video for Low Merit Part 3 (1:06 mins)
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to interact using spoken Japanese to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to provide evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The assessed student speaks second in all Interactions.
The student gives evidence to support his own views.
しゆくだいは…たいへんなときにあさはやくおきてしゆくだいをしてしまいます, しゆくだいはむずかしいでつまらないです, つまらないので日曜日にアルバイトをやめるかどうかことにします, あめがふるそうですからかさをもっていきます, 高校をそつぎょうした後で大学に行くつもりです and アルバイトをしてみたいです.
There is some use of formulaic expressions, e.g.ううん and えっと, and an extensive use of はい .
Communication is achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
To reach Merit, pauses and problems with pronunciation will not significantly hinder communication in the interactions
Video for High Achieved Part 1 (4:11 mins)
Video for High Achieved Part 2 (4:31 mins)
Video for High Achieved Part 3 (3:57 mins)
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to interact using spoken Japanese to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to provide evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The assessed student speaks second in Interaction 1, first in Interaction 2 and second in Interaction 3.
Information is communicated, e.g. あめがふるときに, べんきょうするつもりですand えいがに行くがすきです, and there is evidence of the use of appropriate fillers, e.g.そうですか, そうです, えっと.
For a more secure Achieved, interactional strategies could be used more effectively to clarify a question, e.g.もういいちどいって下さい, すみません and わかりませんでした, especially when the speaker has not understood the question. This would avoid giving an answer that is not always relevant.
Further, for a more secure Achieved inconsistencies would have less impact on communication of the message, e.g. あみすきじゃない, 大学にはいながら, せいげつに, ではたらきます and つとめます.
Video for Low Achieved Part 1 (2:24 mins)
Video for Low Achieved Part 2 (4:31 mins)
Video for Low Achieved Part 3 (3:01 mins)
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to interact using spoken Japanese to communicate information and justify ideas and opinions in different situations. Interactions need to provide evidence to support their own views and/or the views of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student being assessed speaks first in all Interactions.
The student attempts to interact, and shares information using simple language such as 人とはならくことが好きだから, ぶんな食べ物をーのすきですか and げつようびからきんようびまでます.
To reach Achieved, communication would not be hindered by inconsistencies such as partial sentences, e.g. パクンセブ and ではたらい.
For Achieved, there needs to be evidence of additional mastery of language at this level in order to ensure that the interaction is comprehensible.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
Download all exemplars and commentary [PDF, 128 KB]
TKI Japanese assessment resources (external link)