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Low Excellence
91135 Low Excellence (ZIP | 5.1 MB)Commentary
For Excellence, the student needs to give an effective spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Effective Japanese will be shown by the capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is controlled and integrated.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
The student gives a very realistic speech for a wedding, communicating information, and expressing and justifying ideas and opinions, e.g. はじめにさちこさんはとてもしずかそうな人でした and 私とおなじすうがくのクラスにいて私はさちこさんほどすうがくじょうずじゃなかったからさちこさんはいつもおしえてくれたので友達になりました.
The development of ideas is evident, e.g. ‘みんなはさちこさんはとてもしんせつな人と思いましたからさちこさんは日本にかえった時にみんなはかなしかったです. There is capable selection and use of a range of language and language features, e.g. に行ったことがありますか, のぼることができます, きれいなけしきが見やすいです and 一番好きだと言います.
For a more secure Excellence, the student would need to demonstrate further attention to features of delivery such as pronunciation and the use of pauses.
Video for Low Excellence (2:42 mins)
High Merit
91135 High Merit (ZIP | 6.6 MB)Commentary
For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions
Convincing Japanese will be shown by the selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions, e.g. ‘オークランドのシーティちゆしんにクウィンストリートと言うゆうめいなみちがあります and おみやげを買いたいとクウィンストリートにいかなければなりません.
The language is credible, and connected with sentences that are linked in sensible ways and fit for the purpose of the task. There is also evidence of development, e.g. ズカイタワーより東京タワーのほうがすこしたかいです, ガンブルをしたりすることができます, でもガンブルの時にお金をかくとくしにくいからガンブルをしないでください and 上からけしきはほんとうにすてきです.
There is a range of language that has been selected and used in a way that fits the specific purpose, e.g. オークランドに行ったことがありますか, 高い所から, がすきなら and 高いですけどオークランドはくぶつかんと言う所のとなりににわがあります.
To reach Excellence, inconsistencies in language and pronunciation would not hinder communication.
Video for High Merit (3:27 mins)
Low Merit
91135 Low Merit (ZIP | 8 MB)Commentary
For Merit, the student needs to give a convincing spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions
Convincing Japanese will be shown by the selection and use of a range of language and language features that are fit for purpose and audience. There will be development of the information, ideas and opinions which is generally credible and connected.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student communicates information, and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions. There is a range of language that is fit for the purpose and task, e.g. ‘私はあたらしい学校に行ったの時あたらしい友達にしょうかいしました。しんせつでやさしい人そうです, イーメルを書いたり、でんわをしたり、町で映画を見に行ったりしました, たいせつだと思います, おとなしいので話すのは, しあわせになると思います (evidence that the student self-corrects) and 私の事をわすれないよ.
For a more secure Merit, the student would demonstrate additional success with attempted language and language features, e.g. avoiding problems with the past tense and the plain form.
Also, further attention to features of delivery, e.g. intonation, rhythm patterns and pronunciation, would result in a more secure Merit.
Video for Low Merit (4:17 mins)
High Achieved
91135 High Achieved (ZIP | 3.8 MB)Commentary
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student communicates information, and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions in an interesting way, e.g. ‘スカイタワーはたかさ三百二十八メートルあります, スカイタワーは日曜日から木曜日まで午前八時半から午後九時半まであいています, 五才かな子供はただで、入ることができます, ‘スカイタワーではあるきながらオークランドのけしきを見ることができます, に行くつもりです, することできるのでandいいけいけんになると思います.
To reach Merit, communication would not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies such as いきつもり, たーたかかたーたかいです, までーまでは and いかなこども.
Video for High Achieved (1:57 mins)
Low Achieved
91135 Low Achieved. (ZIP | 5 MB)Commentary
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student communicates information, and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions, e.g. ‘私はさくらさんの一番の友達です, しょうがっこうの三年で、さくらさんにあいました and 私はあたらしい学生ですから時々さびしくになりました.
For a more secure Achieved, there would be less impact on comprehension of the message from inconsistencies such as しくだいがからの時です, 雨がふりでした and かわいいとみせです.
Video for Low Achieved (2:40 mins)
High Not Achieved
91135 High Not Achieved (ZIP | 3.2 MB)Commentary
For Achieved, the student needs to give a spoken presentation in Japanese that communicates information and expresses and justifies ideas and opinions.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
There is language to give information, ideas and opinions, e.g. ‘クインズトリトにたくさんみせがあります, スカイタワーにきれいなけしきを見たりします。The スカイタワーからけんぶつをしたりして上からきれいけしきはほんとうにすてきです。いいけけんですよ。そしてオークランドのはくぶつかんきさってんにコーヒーを飲みながらこえんがみえます。
To reach Achieved, there needs to be evidence of additional language at the required level to communicate information and express and justify ideas and opinions.
Also, in order that communication of the message can be understood by the listener the student could consider pronunciation and use of pauses, so that communication would be achieved overall.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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