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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear effective Japanese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is controlled and integrated, and capable selection and successful use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be hindered by inconsistencies.
There is successful use of language to support ideas and perspectives through explanations and evidence, e.g. ニュージーランド人や日本人の友達は私は中国人だから, 全部の漢字がよめると思っているはずです (1), 日本と中国の漢字は少し違いますから, 日本の漢字も覚えなければなりません (1) and 私は中国語ができますから日本語を読むことは簡単だし面白いし 日本のアニメやまんがも好きです (2).
The student uses a range of language at the expected level.
The language is controlled and integrated, e.g. 日本語を勉強しているニュージーランド人や 日本人と日本語でチャットをしたり友達の日本の旅行の写真を見たりします. それに, 日本人がいつも日本語を読める. とても楽しいし, 日本語の勉強をするのがらくになったと思う (3).
For a more secure Excellence, there would be additional consistency with the successful selection of language.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear convincing Japanese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is credible and connected, and the use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
There is evidence of evaluating and giving explanation to support or challenge the student’s own ideas and perspectives and those of others, e.g. かのじょうはよくばりな人だから家族よりお金が一番大切なことだと思います (1), みなさんニュウ―ジーランドへ来て勉強したいんですか. ここへ来るといいけいけんをするのができるんです’ (2).
To reach Excellence, the language needs to be controlled and integrated, and organised in a linguistic and culturally appropriate format and style. The mixing of the polite form with the plain form, e.g. たとえばおどったり歌を歌ったり食べ物をうったりそんなことをした. 毎にちお昼ごはん二学生たちが自分の国の文化を私たちにみせてくれるために色々なことをしました. とても楽しつておもしろた (3) does not meet this criteria.
Further, inconsistencies will not interfere with communication of the message, e.g. 日本の高校で二か三学年だったらボルパーティに行けます. このパーティはポォーマルで男せいはせいしきをきって女せいはドレスをきかなければなりません (4).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear convincing Japanese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others. There will be development of the ideas and perspectives which is credible and connected, and the use of a range of language and language features.
Communication will not be significantly hindered by inconsistencies.
The student selects and uses a range of language and language features that is fit for purpose and audience, e.g. キウイというとべないとり (1), があったので (2), と思います (3), があったら入れます (4) and があれば (6).
The student shows some evidence of developing their ideas and perspectives, e.g. これではひとびとはやさしくて文化もならうきかいがあったので私はニュージーランドに行く時マラィに行くの方がいいと思います (7), and だから私たちの学校はみんな学生にきかいを上げるために週をつくったと思います (5).
For a more secure Merit, there will be additional consistency in the selection and use of language and language features to ensure that the criteria of credible, connected language is met.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear Japanese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
There is evidence of evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support or challenge the student’s own ideas and perspectives and those of others, e.g. 私はサモアの文化も大好きです. しょう来, 私はニュージーランドやサモアにりょうこうにきた日本じんに文化のしょうかいするしごとをしたいです (1) and りょうしんはきびしいので, 私はいえでフェイスブックやインターネットをつかってはいけません (2).
To reach Merit, there would be additional evidence of a range of language at the appropriate level to express and justify points of view. Language such as ざっしを読みて, 日本で人気にあるものが分かる(3) and もし, げいしゃは京都にいますから, 京都にいきたいでしょう (4) does not sufficiently demonstrate this criteria.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear Japanese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
There is an evaluation and explanation as well as evidence to support or challenge the student’s own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others, e.g. 今, K-POP は日本で人気がありますから, たくさんの日本人がかん国にいきます (1).
The informed content is organised, and presented in a linguistically appropriate format and style which is fit for purpose and audience, e.g. それに、日本は人がたくさんいるからいつもこんでいるはず だと思いました. でも, 私のホームステイは少しいながで, とてもきれいな所です (2).
For a more secure Achieved, there needs to be additional evidence of mastery of language at this level to justify varied ideas and perspectives. Language such as ‘時間はたくさんかかりまし, 日本語でかんがえたしなければなりません, とてもおましろいでした (3), and でも, 日本に行きました後で友だちはかん国語を勉強するし, 上手にはなりますし, スーパーにはかん国の食べ物もたくさんありました (4) does not sufficiently demonstrate this criteria.
Further, inconsistencies such as かんじをいしゅうけんめい書くのれんしゅうする方がおぼえやすいと思います (5) should not significantly hinder communication.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a variety of text types, in clear Japanese, to explore and justify varied ideas and perspectives.
This involves the student evaluating and giving explanations or evidence to support their own ideas and perspectives, as well as supporting or challenging those of others.
Communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
The student has given evidence to support personal ideas and perspectives, e.g.いちばんいいのはみんなおわりにはじぶんとちょっとちがうひととともだちがなるからです (1) and おいしいて たくい たべものを やすく たべることが できる チャンスと おもって いるから おかねを もって きる ことが よいです (2)
To reach Achieved, there would be evidence of language at Curriculum Level 8 of the New Zealand Curriculum.
Further, the student would use katakana as appropriate (rather than English) so that communication will be achieved overall, despite inconsistencies.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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