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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to write Latin sentences of medium complexity that demonstrate thorough understanding of Latin.
This involves:
- using linguistic knowledge of complex inflections, structures and vocabulary to produce Latin sentences in linguistically suitable formats
- communicating the meaning and detail in almost all the sentences correctly in Latin
- writing sentences that are unambiguous and easy to understand.
This student has used linguistic knowledge of complex inflections e.g. ineunte (4), structures such as gerundive of purpose (1), future passive infinitive (6) and vocabulary (5) to produce sentences in a linguistically suitable format.
The meaning and detail in almost all the sentences have been correctly communicated. The sentences are unambiguous and easy to understand.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could correct errors of inflection. For example veritus (2) should be verita, and victura esset (3) should be vinceretur.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write Latin sentences of medium complexity that demonstrate clear understanding of Latin.
This involves:
- using linguistic knowledge of the more difficult inflections, structures and vocabulary to produce Latin sentences in linguistically suitable formats
- communicating the meaning and detail of most of the sentences correctly in Latin.
This student has used linguistic knowledge of the more difficult inflections such as capta (5), structures e.g. consecutive clause with perfect subjunctive (3) and vocabulary (7) to produce sentences in a linguistically suitable format..
The meaning and detail of most sentences are communicated correctly in Latin.
To reach Excellence, the student could correct errors of inflection. For example servati (2) should be servatae, templum Janum (6) should be templi Jani ,and notissimum orator (1) should be notissimioratoris. The structure pugnatum esse (4)could be amendedto pugnavisse.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write Latin sentences of medium complexity that demonstrate clear understanding of Latin.
This involves:
- using linguistic knowledge of the more difficult inflections, structures and vocabulary to produce Latin sentences in linguistically suitable formats
- communicating the meaning and detail of most of the sentences correctly in Latin.
This student has used linguistic knowledge of the more difficult inflections e.g. vi (4), structures such as final clause with present subjunctive (7), and vocabulary (3) to produce Latin sentences in a linguistically suitable format).The detail and meaning of most of the sentences are correctly communicated.
For a more secure Merit, the student could correct errors in choice of vocabulary. For example reddisti (2) should be rediisti, inflections e.g. castras (1) should be castra, and constructions necare (6) should be se necaturum esse after minatus est. The construction me cogavit (sic) ut me se amarem (5) should also be amended to me coegit se amare.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write Latin sentences of medium complexity that demonstrate understanding of Latin.
This involves using linguistic knowledge of inflections, structures and vocabulary to produce Latin sentences in linguistically suitable formats.
This student has used linguistic knowledge of inflections e.g. Iove (7), structures such as ablative of the gerund (5) and future infinitive (8). Appropriate vocabulary (9) is used to produce Latin sentences in linguistically suitable formats.
To reach Merit, the student could correct errors of inflection. For example pectoremsequeret (4) should be pectussequeretur and aedificatam est (1) should be aedificatur. The use of tenses should be consistent e.g. the present tenses rogat (2), monet (3), coniurat (6) should be written in the past tense.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write Latin sentences of medium complexity that demonstrate understanding of Latin.
This involves using linguistic knowledge of inflections, structures and vocabulary to produce Latin sentences in linguistically suitable formats.
This student has used basic linguistic knowledge of inflections such as ab ore (5) and structures, e.g. causal clause with present subjunctive (4). Some appropriate vocabulary (3) is used to produce Latin sentences in linguistically suitable formats.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could correct errors of inflection. For example multasmille (2) should be multa milia, and tempestati (6) should be tempestate. The construction promisit edere (1) should be promisit seediturum esse, while ut neglegit (7) should be ut neglegeret.
The sentence quo amatius Dido eo videt, eoinsanior fit (8) could also be rewritten to make the meaning clear.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write Latin sentences of medium complexity that demonstrate understanding of Latin.
This involves using linguistic knowledge of inflections, structures and vocabulary to produce Latin sentences in linguistically suitable formats.
This student has used knowledge of inflections e.g. advenit (4), intravit (7), and vocabulary to select mainly correct words. An attempt has been made to produce Latin sentences in linguistically suitable formats.
Although the sentences can be understood they are not sufficiently correct to meet the requirements of New Zealand Curriculum Level 7.
To reach Achieved, the student could use correct inflections. For example, missi (1), should be misi, and illo (6) should be illa. The structures ut...revenietis (2) should be ut… reveniatis, vobisnon inscientis (3) should be vobis inscientibus, and ut…videt (5) should be ut videret.
Some NZC Level 7 structures must be used. For example, a gerundive of purpose ad me videndam instead of a final clause (5).
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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