Level 2
Internal assessment exemplars
91249 - Demonstrate understanding of narrative in media texts (2.2)
91250 - Demonstrate understanding of representation in the media (2.3)
91252 - Produce a design and plan for a developed media product using a range of conventions (2.5)
91253 - Complete a developed media product from a design and plan using a range of conventions (2.6)
91254 - Demonstrate understanding of an ethical issue in the media (2.7)
91255 - Write developed media text for a specific target audience (2.8)
External assessments and exemplars
Level 2 Media Studies exams and exemplars (external link)
Assessment reports and schedules
Level 2 Media Studies assessment reports and schedules (external link)
On this page
Level 3
Internal assessment exemplars
91491 - Demonstrate understanding of the meaning of a media text through different readings (3.2)
91494 - Produce a design for a media product that meets the requirements of a brief (3.5)
91495 - Produce a media product to meet the requirements of a brief (3.6)
91496 - Demonstrate understanding of a significant development in the media (3.7)
91497 - Write a media text to meet the requirements of a brief (3.8)
External assessments and exemplars
Level 3 Media Studies exams and exemplars (external link)
Assessment reports and schedules
Level 3 Media Studies assessment reports and schedules (external link)