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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate critical understanding of narrative in media texts.
This involves:
- selecting and describing narrative features in media texts
- providing supporting evidence of the narrative feature being used within the text
- explaining how the narrative feature contributes to the narrative
- examining the implications of the contribution of the features to the narrative of the text.
This student has selected the use of makeover to develop character. The student demonstrates understanding of this feature in the television series Breaking Bad by describing the use of the makeover within the episode (1) and providing several detailed examples to support their argument (2).
The student explains the impact the makeover has on Walt’s personality and the why this has an impact on the narrative (3). The student examines the implications of the change in Walt’s personality by linking it to narrative theory (4), the impact on the audience’s expectations (5) and provides a comparison with the makeover’s more traditional use in other media texts (6).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could: further examine how Walt’s personality change impacts on further episodes, and the role of character change and development in a TV drama series (7); develop the comparison with the use of the makeover in other texts (6); and examine the implications of Walt’s physical makeover on the makeover of his moral code (5).
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of narrative in media texts.
This involves:
- selecting and describing narrative features in media texts
- providing supporting evidence of the narrative feature being used within the text
- explaining how the feature contributes to the narrative.
This student has selected the narrative feature of manipulation of time. The student demonstrates understanding of this feature in the television series Breaking Bad, by describing the use of a flash forward and the manipulation of time (1) and supporting these responses with detailed examples from the episode (2).
The student describes the contribution of the feature to the overall narrative of the series (3), and explains clearly how the manipulation of time contributes to Walter’s storyline by developing the audience’s interest and expectations of this character (4).
To reach Excellence, the student could demonstrate critical understanding by examining the consequences the manipulation of time has on the narrative in greater depth, by developing the discussion of the impact of Walt’s moral switch has on the audience (5) and examining in more detail the impact on the series as a whole (6).
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of narrative in media texts.
This involves:
- selecting and describing narrative features in media texts
- providing supporting evidence of the narrative feature being used within the text
- explaining how the narrative feature contributes to the narrative.
This student has selected the narrative feature of conflict. The student demonstrates in-depth understanding of this feature in the television series Breaking Bad by describing the conflict Walter suffers because of his involvement in the drug industry (1). This is supported with specific examples from the episode (2).
The student describes the contribution of Walter’s conflict to the overall narrative (3), and begins to explain how the conflict develops his character (4).
For a more secure Merit, the student could demonstrate additional depth by explaining further what the conflict drives Walter to do in the series, and the impact that this has on those around him (5).
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of narrative in media texts.
This involves:
- selecting and describing narrative features in media texts
- providing supporting evidence of the narrative feature being used within the text
- describing how the narrative feature contributes to the narrative.
This student has selected the narrative feature of character development. The student demonstrates understanding of this feature in the television series Breaking Bad by identifying and describing the change in Walter’s personality (1), and supporting the responses with examples (2).
The student provides a description of how Walter’s transformation contributes to the narrative in the film (3).
To reach Merit, the student could demonstrate depth by exploring how and why the transformation defines Walter as a character, and by further developing the impact it has on the overall series (4).
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of narrative in media texts.
This involves:
- selecting and describing narrative features in media texts
- providing supporting evidence of the narrative feature being used within the text
- describing how the narrative feature contributes to the narrative.
This student has selected the narrative feature of external conflict. The student demonstrates just sufficient understanding of this feature in the film Mean Creek by describing the external conflict in the film through the character of Marty and his relationships with Kile and George (1), and providing evidence from the film (2).
The student provides a basic description of how the use of external character conflict contributes to the narrative of the film (3).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could demonstrate greater understanding of the impact the conflict between Marty and George has on the end of the film and how it contributes to George’s death (3), and how the external conflict between Marty and Kile contributes towards Marty’s conflict with George (4). The student could describe the examples of the external conflict more clearly.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of narrative in media texts.
This involves:
- selecting and describing narrative features in media texts
- providing supporting evidence of the narrative feature being used within the text
- describing how the narrative feature contributes to the narrative.
This student has selected the narrative feature of allusion. The student demonstrates some understanding of allusion in the film The Matrix by providing a generic description of allusion (1) and providing specific examples of its use in the film (2).
The student begins to make statements linking allusion to the narrative of the film. (3)
To reach Achieved, the student could provide more specific and developed description of how allusion contributes to the film’s overall narrative by describing the role that allusions to the white rabbit and religion will play in Neo’s character journey.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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