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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate critical understanding of representation in the media.
This involves examining likely consequences of the representation and drawing conclusions based on evidence. This could include examining one or more of the following:
- the effectiveness of the features in creating the representation
- implications of the difference(s) between the representation and reality
- the implications and/or effectiveness of the stereotypes, messages, and/or values that are created by the representation
- the implications and issues associated with the selection and/or omission of material.
This student has described the representation of families based around working mothers, stay-at-home mothers and fathers (1). The use of action and dialogue in creating these representations is discussed with examples from three media texts: Mom, The Simpsons and Modern Family (2).
The student has discussed the effect of the representation (3). This student examines the assumptions and stereotypes associated with gender roles including the reason for the reinforcements of the traditional roles of females and males in American society (4). They have identified differences between the representation and what research suggests (5). Some implications are discussed including the continuation of stereotypes (6).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could further examine the implications of the representation by developing the argument about the perpetuation of the traditional American dream and the commercial considerations of the representation.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of representation in the media.
This involves providing reasoned explanations for the effect of the representation such as on or more of the following:
- reasons for the difference between the representation and reality
- reasons for stereotypes, messages, and/or values created by the representation
- reasons why the selection and/or omission of material reinforce stereotypes, messages, and/or values
- supporting explanations with evidence.
This student has described the representation of females in the advertisements of makeup company Benefit, whichpresent women as beautiful and physically active (1). The use of costume, body language and slogans in creating these representations is discussed, with examples from a range of texts (2).
The student discusses the effect of the representation as sending a message that women need to look perfect regardless of the situation (3). The student begins to explore the contradiction between the presentation of women ‘as superheroes’ while needing to wear makeup (4).
To reach Excellence, the student could further develop the discussion around the consequences of these representations, including evidence as support.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of representation in the media.
This involves providing reasoned explanations for the effect of the representation including one or more of the following:
- reasons for the difference between the representation and reality
- reasons for stereotypes, messages, and/or values created by the representation
- reasons why the selection and/or omission of material reinforce stereotypes, messages, and/or values
- supporting explanations with evidence.
This student provided a detailed description of representation of family, in particular tension in the relationship between parents and their children (1). The use of dialogue and action in creating the representations is discussed across three texts (2). The student describes the effect of this representation by exploring how conflict between parents and children is normalized (3).
The student begins to provide a reasoned explanation for the effect of the representation by including research from academics about the accuracy of the representation. They have identified how the need for humour influences the representation (4).
For a more secure Merit, the student could discuss the accuracy of the representation further, explaining how the need for humour influences the representation, and including further supporting data.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of representation in the media.
This involves:
- describing what the representation is
- describing how features of the media texts create the representation
- describing the effect of the media representation
- providing evidence.
This student has described the representation in fashion magazines of women as being beautiful, youthful and desirable (1). The use of the models and celebrities as the face of the magazine, and the headlines on the front cover to create these representations, has been identified and discussed (2).
The student described the effect that these magazine covers create, including the message around what is considered to be beautiful, and the pressure for women to aspire to adhere to what they see in the media. The student has begun to explore the differences between the way women appear in magazines and reality (3).
To reach Merit, the student could develop reasoned explanations for the effect of the representation, for example they could look at why magazines create these representations.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of representation in the media.
This involves:
- describing what the representation is
- describing how features of the media texts create the representation
- describing the effect of the media representation
- providing evidence.
This student has described a representation of families in sitcoms as being more than just related by blood (1).
The student describes how the dialogue and action in three texts create this representation (2) using specific evidence from the texts. The student describes some effects of the representation (3).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could describe a clearer representation across all three of the selected texts, and make links between the texts. The features chosen could be more relevant to the representation discussed, and supported with more specific examples. The overall effect could be described more clearly.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of representation in the media.
This involves:
- describing what the representation is
- describing how features of the media texts create the representation
- describing the effect of the media representation
- providing evidence.
This student has identified an overall representation of women in makeup advertisements as needing to be perfect (1).
The student has begun to describe the features such as costume, body language and language (2) that create a representation (3) in each of three magazine advertisements. Specific examples from the advertisements are provided (4).
The student attempts to describe the effect of the representation in each text (5).
To reach Achieved, the student could focus on discussing one significant representation across the texts, and the features used to create the representations could be identified and discussed more explicitly. The student needs to describe the effect of the representation in more detail.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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