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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to write developed, effectively crafted media text for a specific target audience.
This involves constructing media text that demonstrates:
- understanding and effective control of a range of conventions of current media writing through a range of drafts that develop and refine the text
- effective control of grammatical and structural devices appropriate to the medium, product, and specific target audience.
This student has completed a feature article on fashion blogging.
This student has used, with effective control, a range of appropriate feature article conventions that develop and refine the text. This includes applying research conducted (1), using a good range of sources (fashion journalist, student, fashion designer, model, bloggers) that appeal to the intended audience (2) and the presentation of a balanced range of viewpoints (3).
Through a range of drafts, the student has demonstrated crafting to appeal to the target audience. There is effective use of imagery to hold the attention of the audience (4), rhetorical questions (5) and an active voice to provide impact and immediacy (6).
There is an effective structure used, particularly the use of paragraphs in developing ideas in a logical sequence.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could develop a stronger lead and conclusion so that they are more compelling, and craft the writing more effectively by varying the sentence structure.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write developed, crafted media text for a specific target audience.
This involves constructing media text that demonstrates:
- understanding and control of a range of conventions of current media writing through a range of drafts
- control of grammatical and structural devices appropriate to the medium, product, and specific target audience.
This student has used, with control, a range of appropriate conventions of feature writing in an article on the art of flirting. These include a range of sources (1), active voice (2), appropriate and effective use of rhetorical questions (3), personal pronouns (4) and statistics (5).
The student has demonstrated crafting through a range of drafts. The content has been effectively organised so that it adds to the overall impact. Key ideas are developed in separate paragraphs and numbered sections, and are mostly supported by expert opinion, statistics or anecdotes (6). There is a clear lead and conclusion (7) and some effective variation in sentence structure (8), which assists the narrative flow.
To reach Excellence, the student could proofread the text more closely to eliminate errors, especially for incorrect or awkward phrasing, and create a stronger lead that has impact and demands attention
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write developed, crafted media text for a specific target audience.
This involves constructing media text that demonstrates:
- understanding and control of a range of conventions of current media writing through a range of drafts
- control of grammatical and structural devices appropriate to the medium, product, and specific target audience.
Through a range of drafts, the student has demonstrated crafting in a feature article about the re-emergence of vinyl records.
There is use of a formal, appropriate and consistent tone (1), and facts and statistics which provide evidence of research (2). The use of personal pronouns appeal to the audience (3), vocabulary choices are appropriate (4), and there is controlled organisation with each paragraph focusing on a key aspect of the topic (5).
For a more secure Merit, the student could develop a stronger lead and conclusion, make more considered and effective vocabulary choices, and use imagery to add vibrancy to the writing. The student could include anecdotes and quotes to break up information and proof read more closely
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write developed media text for a specific target audience.
This involves constructing media text that demonstrates:
- understanding and some control of conventions of current media writing
- the use of grammatical and structural devices appropriate to the medium, product, and specific target audience.
This student has used, with some control, a range of conventions in a feature on the effects of facial expression. These include quotations (1), a clearly established angle (2) which is successfully developed, variation in sentence structures (3), appropriate vocabulary choices for the topic and audience (4), the use of personal pronouns to create rapport (5), a consistent tone throughout the text, and mostly controlled, fluent writing.
To reach Merit, the student could research the topic in more detail, and include an expert opinion, such as a psychologist’s viewpoint. The use of anecdotes, varied sentence starters and the inclusion of a stronger lead and conclusion would make the writing more appealing.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write developed media text for a specific target audience.
This involves constructing media text that demonstrates:
- understanding and some control of conventions of current media writing
- the use of grammatical and structural devices appropriate to the medium, product, and specific target audience.
This student has used, with just sufficient control, a range of conventions in an opinion piece on student employment. These include first person narration (1), a clear introduction and conclusion (2), quotations and survey results (3), an angle and an attempt at balance (4), and evidence of research (5).
There is some appropriate use of grammatical and structural devices, such as content clearly organised into short and simple paragraphs, and generally appropriate language selection for the audience and topic.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could embed quotes more effectively, and proof-read for punctuation, syntax errors and awkward wording.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write developed media text for a specific target audience.
This involves constructing media text that demonstrates:
- understanding and some control of conventions of current media writing
- the use of grammatical and structural devices appropriate to the medium, product, and specific target audience.
This student has attempted to use a range of conventions in writing a profile on the town of Tuatapere. These include beginning the article with a hook (1), including quotes from interviews (2), and using the first person pronoun to help create rapport and personal tone (3).
Some appropriate vocabulary choices have been made, and there is some organisation of content and paragraphs.
To reach Achieved, the student could use a more controlled formal writing style, vary sentence lengths and beginnings, and check for run-on sentences, spelling and punctuation, especially when using direct quotes.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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