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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate perceptive understanding of a significant development in the media.
This involves evaluating the impact of a significant development in the media on society and/or the media.
This student has developed a hypothesis which proposes that a shift from traditional to new media has affected the role of the censor in controlling content (1). A cogent, reasoned argument as to how and why the development has occurred is presented to provide context (2). A brief paragraph exploring how and why a shift from traditional to new media has been omitted.
A summary of the historical context for censorship is provided (3), with the impact of new media briefly introduced (4). A case study of YouTube is linked to the hypothesis (5). Additional evidence of the complications in controlling and censoring content is provided (6). A further case study on highly controlled censorship is provided (7, omitted).
Several implications of the rapid growth of online content creation (8) and accessibility to online video streaming services are comprehensively analysed (9). Further analysis and case studies are presented (10, omitted).
The wider implications of content control in new media are analysed and evaluated (11). The hypothesis is further developed, analysing the shift in responsibility for censorship from local, centralised regulation to a different model (12). Evaluative conclusions are drawn to summarise the implications of media platforms holding responsibility for monitoring and controlling content (13).
For a more secure Excellence, the student could further develop the idea of ownership and metering of content (14) and its role in the ongoing developments of internet-based censorship. This could include the difference between seeing social media as a platform or a publisher, and the need for users to take up responsibilities of censorship (15) in their relationship and use of social media.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of a significant development in the media.
This involves:
- analysing a significant development in the media
- explaining the impact of a significant development in the media.
This student has identified the Americanisation of New Zealand news as a significant development in the media (1). The impact of this influence has been identified in the introduction via a hypothesis which creates a reasoned argument about the implications of the development (2).
The student presents a succinct explanation of the context from which the development has emerged (3). Reasons for how and why the development has happened are analysed in-depth (4). Research into the effect of the development is presented (5, partial paragraph omitted).
The impact of the development is analysed (6). A considered analysis of the wider significance of the impact is provided, restating the hypothesis in several places (7). Further analysis of the wider impact is included (8). Paragraph seven ends with a new point about trust and viewpoints being introduced (9).
The student succinctly analyses the role of trust in the news media and begins to evaluate the significance of this (10). The argument is linked back to the hypothesis that Americanisation of news can have a negative influence on NZ culture (11).
To reach Excellence, the student could further develop the analysis of the importance of public trust in the news by evaluating the significance of New Zealander’s attitudes towards news outlets. This evaluation could include research that examines the socio-political polarisation of news outlets in the US, and the growing divide in political positions for local news outlets in New Zealand.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate in-depth understanding of a significant development in the media.
This involves:
- analysing a significant development in the media
- explaining the impact of a significant development in the media.
This student has identified the introduction of franchises as a standard business model in Hollywood as a significant development in the media (1). They have explained why this development has occurred by developing a reasoned argument about the shift from creativity to a narrow focus on profits (2).
Several reasons for the development are presented, with supporting evidence. These reasons include profit (3), minimising financial risk (4), brand identity (5) and production costs (6).
Several impacts are identified (7) and analysed, with case studies on del Torro (8) and the Harry Potter franchise (9) used to support the argument.
For a more secure Merit, the student could extend their argument by further developing the case studies and evidence to build a considered discussion of the value of commercial versus creative film making. The wider impact on the industry and the audience caused by the tension between commercial and creative could also be analysed.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of a significant development in the media.
This involves:
- identifying a significant development in the media
- explaining how and/or why it has occurred.
This student has identified digital technology as a significant development that has changed how we consume music. The student has explained how and why technology has changed, resulting in the development of free on-demand music.
The student explains how the development has occurred by providing a historical overview of the events leading to the digitisation of music (1). This includes an explanation of why the technology continued to evolve. This included portability (2) and file size for sharing (5).
A case study explaining how one consumer stored music is presented (3). A comparison is made between keeping analogue versus digital music (4).
The student provides further explanation of the technological developments that led to streaming services developing (6). The impact of the continued development of the digital technology is briefly explained (7).
The shift to a "freemium" model is identified, with some evidence provided as to its popularity (8). The reasons for how and why the change has occurred are reiterated in the conclusion.
To reach Merit, the student could develop a reasoned explanation that analyses the impact and wider implications of the shift from analogue to digital storage of audio files.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of a significant development in the media.
This involves:
- identifying a significant development in the media
- explaining how and/or why it has occurred.
This student has identified a significant development in the media as the rise of streaming causing the death of cable television. A graphic that provides a visual representation of key points supporting the development in the media has been created.
The student explains the rise of streaming with a timeline of key events in the home video market (1). Figures comparing aspects of cable television to streaming services help identify and describe the development (2).
The student begins to explain how and why the development has occurred by identifying reasons such as “social change, budget restraints and advertisement interest” (3). Further reasons such as “convenience” and “cheaper entertainment” are introduced briefly (4).
The student attempts to link the increase in the popularity of streaming to Covid-19 (5).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could focus on the significance of streaming services by expanding their discussion of how and/or why streaming platforms were developed in the first place.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate understanding of a significant development in the media.
This involves:
- identifying a significant development in the media
- explaining how and/or why it has occurred.
This student has identified a development in the media by discussing Spark Sport’s introduction to the New Zealand market for online streaming of sport. They have provided background information about the state of the industry prior to Spark Sport’s introduction (1).
Some general information is provided about the technology required for streaming services and audience expectations when streaming (2). Some of the challenges and benefits of Spark Sport are briefly discussed (3).
To reach Achieved, the student could select a significant development such as the impact of streaming services on free-to-air television, foreign ownership of New Zealand media, or explore the viability of Spark Sport from the perspective of the sporting or media industry.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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