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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to write a compelling media text to meet the requirements of a brief.
This involves the effective selection and application of conventions to command and capture audience attention.
This student has written a profile on Tokumaru Bay which meets the requirements of the brief.
The student has effectively used a range of appropriate profile writing conventions to capture and command the reader’s attention. This includes interviewing a range of people from Tokumaru Bay and weaving appropriate quotations throughout the article (1). The people interviewed are varied and are able to offer different perspectives of the Bay (2).
The student has used varied and deliberate vocabulary to create a warm and engaging tone (3), with control of grammatical devices such as spelling and grammar. There is an effective narrative structure which is shaped around the daily routine of Tokumaru Bay as seen through the journalist’s eyes when walking around the town (4). The application of these conventions captures the audience’s attention.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could incorporate further research about Tokumaru Bay.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a convincing media text to meet the requirements of a brief.
This involves deliberately selecting and applying media conventions to engage an audience.
This student has written a feature article about the importance of birth order. The selection and application of the content and conventions meet the requirements of the brief, which was to write a feature article suitable for a wider school community.
This student has deliberately applied the conventions of feature articles by using an appropriate structure to shape the narrative, including the linking of an anecdote in the lead and closing paragraphs (1). A nut graph is provided (2) and a range of body paragraphs convincingly develop the main idea (3).
The use of imagery provides impact (4) and there is control of grammatical devices. There is reference to statistics and studies which are supported by interviews from the student’s own research (5). The application of these conventions works together to engage the audience.
To reach Excellence, the student could provide quotes from experts to balance the other interviews completed and vary language to make it compelling for the audience.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to write a convincing media text to meet the requirements of a brief.
This involves deliberately selecting and applying media conventions to engage an audience.
This student written an article about covert racism which meets the requirements of the brief.
The student has done this by interviewing a range of people who have experienced covert racism and integrated the quotes throughout the article (1). There is a clear personal voice (2).
There is a generally deliberate use of conventions of feature article writing to appeal to the target audience. This is done through the use of interview subjects and a topic about the target audience, and the deliberate selection of language and direct address (3). The nutgraph hooks the audience into the article.
For a more secure Merit, the student could craft further to remove inappropriate poetic descriptions and complete further research to balance the article. This could include statistics and interviews with experts such as guidance counsellors or mediators.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a media text to meet the requirements of a brief.
This involves applying media conventions with control to meet the requirements of a brief.
This student has written a feature article on the experience of new arrivals to Christchurch following the earthquakes. The article meets the requirements of the brief set: to write a feature article suitable to be read by the wider Christchurch community.
This student has researched the issue in some depth by interviewing a range of subjects including those who moved to Christchurch, and experts (1). Conventions have been used with control, such as quotes that are woven through the story (2). There is some development of narrative through linked paragraphs and the nutgraph (3). Some evidence to support points, including statistics and anecdotes, is included (4).
To reach Merit, the student could more deliberately craft the writing. This could include tailoring the writing to be more appealing to the target audience and by making the use of tense more consistent.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a media text to meet the requirements of a brief.
This involves applying media conventions with control to meet the requirements of a brief.
This student has written a feature article on the ice bucket challenge campaign which meets the requirements of the brief.
The student has generally shown control of the conventions of feature writing by using a range of interviews and weaving quotes through the article (1). There is a strong personal voice (2) and has audience appeal through the choice of topic. Control over language is shown in the opening paragraph where anecdotes, direct address and rhetorical questions have been used appropriately (3).
For a more secure Achieved, the student could have applied the conventions of feature writing consistently. The student could have crafted the ending more effectively, and included further evidence and research around ALS to support their points.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to write a media text to meet the requirements of a brief.
This involves applying media conventions with control to meet the requirements of a brief.
This student has written a feature article on the potential effects of leaving school early. This addresses the requirements of the brief.
Some awareness of the conventions of feature writing is demonstrated by through the choice of a topic that is relevant for the target audience. There is research on the issue (1), a nutgraph outlining the angle of the article (2) and some attempt to structure a narrative by outlining who it affects and possible solutions (3).
To reach Achieved, the student could apply the conventions of feature writing with more control by including a range of interviews from which quotes and anecdotes could be woven into the article. Greater control of language to engage the target audience would strengthen the article, while further control of grammatical conventions such as spelling and punctuation is needed.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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TKI Media Studies assessment resources (external link)