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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to perform two substantial pieces of music convincingly as a featured soloist.
This involves the performance being assured, musically expressive and demonstrating interpretive understanding. There should be a high degree of fluency, with errors making minimal impact on the overall performance.
This student’s performances on drum kit are convincing: assured, musically expressive and demonstrating interpretive understanding. Well-developed technical skills, such as solid stick control, enable fluent fills and secure use of all parts of the kit, including the snare.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could work on maintaining rhythmic security throughout the performance. Further, transition points require a more consistent pulse at times to sustain musical coherence and enable the performance to be fully assured.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to perform two substantial pieces of music effectively as a featured soloist.
This involves the performance being technically secure, stylistically appropriate and confidently communicated to the audience. Attention will be given by the student to the stylistic nature of the music, including dynamics, articulation and phrasing.
The standard requires that two pieces of music are performed - one piece is exemplified here.
This student’s performance on piano demonstrates skills that are effective. There is technical security and appropriate realisation of style. The music is cautiously but confidently communicated to the audience through a range of technical and musical means, including sensitivity to phrase shape through tonal control. A few minor errors do not detract greatly from the performance overall.
To reach Excellence, the student could develop the performance so that it is assured, and consider a second repertoire choice that was more technically demanding, which would enable a holistically convincing performance.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to perform two substantial pieces of music effectively as a featured soloist.
This involves the performance being technically secure, stylistically appropriate and confidently communicated to the audience. Attention will be given by the student to the stylistic nature of the music, including dynamics, articulation and phrasing.
The standard requires that two pieces of music are performed - one piece is exemplified here.
This student’s vocal performance is generally technically secure, stylistically appropriate and confidently communicated. There is clearly a developing technique shown here, and any errors or hesitations do not mar the performance – it is effective overall.
For a more secure Merit, the student could improve their technical security by working on intonation, tone and control over the different vocal registers. The development of these skills would enable a performance that is confidently communicated to the audience.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to perform two substantial pieces of music as a featured soloist.
This involves live presentation of music to an audience. The performance must demonstrate technical, musical and presentation skills appropriate to students in at least their fourth year of group itinerant lessons. Posture will be appropriate for the instrument and genre, but the student may not yet appear to be fully at ease.
The standard requires that two pieces of music are performed - one piece is exemplified here.
This student’s live clarinet piece demonstrates developing musical performance skills, presentation skills and general technical security that is commensurate with four years of group lessons.
To reach Merit, presenting an effective performance that is technically secure, the student could develop their tone and dynamic range through more consistent use of air. An improved rhythmic coordination would further assist the student in demonstrating their technical security.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to perform two substantial pieces of music as a featured soloist.
This involves live presentation of music to an audience. The performance must demonstrate technical, musical and presentation skills appropriate to students in at least their fourth year of group itinerant lessons.
The standard requires that two pieces of music are performed - one piece is exemplified here.
This student’s live trombone performance to an audience generally demonstrates the technical, musical and presentation skills that are expected after a fourth year of lessons. The tone (and air control) is developing, and there is some attention to dynamics and phrasing. The student’s control over longer notes is evident.
For a more secure Achieved, the student could improve their technical skills. For example, the student could work on their intonation (particularly the lower register notes), cleaner attacks of notes (including slides) and more accurate timing with their accompanist.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to perform two substantial pieces of music as a featured soloist.
This involves live presentation of music to an audience. The performance must demonstrate technical, musical and presentation skills appropriate to students in at least their fourth year of group itinerant lessons.
The standard requires that two pieces of music are performed - one piece is exemplified here.
This student’s live vocal presentation of music to an audience demonstrates developing musical skills, with a pleasing natural tone.
To reach Achieved, the student could demonstrate technical skills that reflect a fourth year of lessons. For example, the student could work on improving their intonation and tonal control.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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