AS 91278 Annotated exemplars

Investigate an aspect of New Zealand music

Music | Level 2
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

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TKI Music assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91278 Exemplar Low Excellence (ZIP | 53 MB)


For Excellence, the student needs to investigate comprehensively an aspect of New Zealand music.

This involves the student developing an investigation that integrates implications and ideas, and interprets significant factors.

The student has developed and presented an oral investigation on the song-writing competition Play it Strange, integrating implications and ideas, and interpreting significant factors.

The considerable amount of information gathered and developed into an investigation interprets significant factors associated with the competition. Examples include the significance of mentoring offered to students who are successful in the competition, and the wider implications and influences of the competition over time on the NZ music industry.

Comparisons are made between students’ songs on Play it Strange CDs, and musical features of these songs are interpreted. A comprehensive evaluation of the process of the competition is made, including a PMI analysis. Final implications and ideas are integrated to show that the competition has achieved its purpose: to promote the music of secondary school student songwriters/performers to a wider New Zealand audience.

For a more secure Excellence, the student could integrate more ideas and perspectives, by interviewing other students who have been involved in the competition and summarising their individual points of view.

Low Excellence exemplar for AS 91278

High Merit

91278 Exemplar High Merit (PDF | 16 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to investigate in-depth an aspect of New Zealand music.

This involves the student developing a thorough and informed investigation.

The student has developed a written investigation on the Te Matatini national festival that demonstrates in-depth gathering of information. Their work includes a thorough overview of the festival and competition format (1) (2), together with a well-informed evaluation of Te Matatini (3). The student also provides information on the musical characteristics and significance of mōteatea to further inform their investigation (4).

The investigation is thorough in that the student’s ideas are backed up with references and quotes from a range of primary and secondary sources, including interviews with kaumātua and kuia (5).

To reach Excellence, and for the evidence to be comprehensive, the student could draw together different perspectives on the competition, for example including a recent performer’s view. They could also incorporate their own opinion in the final evaluation to demonstrate their interpretation of significant factors.

Low Merit

91278 Exemplar Low Merit (ZIP | 31 MB)


For Merit, the student needs to investigate in-depth an aspect of New Zealand music.

This involves the student developing a thorough and informed investigation.

The student has developed and presented an oral presentation on the New Zealand alternative music scene. In-depth gathering of information has been refined to provide a generally thorough overview of the development of alternative music in New Zealand. The student discusses influences, both local and international, on New Zealand alternative music, and some of the main exponents of the genre are noted.

The student briefly evaluates the importance of the alternative music scene in New Zealand culture. The investigation is presented in a structured and clear format with relevant visual and aural evidence.

For a more secure Merit, the student could include further discussion on the musical characteristics of alternative music. In-depth conclusions could also be developed, drawing together past, present and potential for a continuing alternative music scene in New Zealand.

Low Merit exemplar for AS 91278

High Achieved

91278 Exemplar High Achieved (PDF | 172 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to investigate an aspect of New Zealand music.

This involves the student completing an inquiry into an aspect of New Zealand music.

This student has completed a written investigation on the New Zealand band Midnight Youth. The investigation includes a brief chronological overview of the band (1) and background details as to how their two albums were recorded (2). The lyrics to the band’s popular song, Who Said You’re Free, are examined in some detail (3). The conclusion discusses the significance of the band (4).

To reach Merit, and complete an in-depth investigation, the student could examine more sources to inform their enquiry. They could also analyse the musical elements of Who Said You’re Free to thoroughly explore Midnight Youth’s song-writing style.

Low Achieved

91278 Exemplar Low Achieved (PDF | 99 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to investigate an aspect of New Zealand music.

This involves the student completing an inquiry into an aspect of New Zealand music.

This student has completed a written investigation on Dunedin Church Choirs. The student has focused their enquiry on Knox Church Choir. The student provides a general overview of the history of the choir and repertoire choices, and opportunities offered by the choir are discussed. The significance of church choirs in New Zealand is touched on in the conclusion.

For a more secure Achieved, the student could further investigate Dunedin church choirs by including a fuller evaluation of the development and significance of these traditional choirs in a New Zealand context.

High Not Achieved

91278 Exemplar High Not Achieved (PDF | 155 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to investigate an aspect of New Zealand music.

This involves the student completing an inquiry into an aspect of New Zealand music.

This student has completed a written investigation on the Whare Flat Folk Festival. The investigation includes relevant cultural and historical background details (1), together with a brief description of two groups who performed at the festival (2). The student also begins to evaluate the significance of the festival (3).

To reach Achieved, the student could further investigate the musical style of either ‘Albi and the Wolves’ or ‘Tiny Pieces of Eight’ by analysing one of their representative songs.

The significance of the festival also needs deeper investigation, for example, the workshops mentioned could be described with regard to how they “nurture talents”. The student could also include more of their own experiences of the festival, and/or feedback from other participants.

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