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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to demonstrate ensemble skills by convincingly performing two substantial pieces of music as a member of a group.
This involves the student contributing to the cohesion, balance, intonation, feel, style, accuracy, and confident presentation of the group’s performance. The contribution is assured and sustained with convincing musical responses.
This student’s performances as lead vocalist (kaitataki) for the kapa show convincing and sustained ensemble awareness. The student’s traditional vocal technique exhibits an open, assured and full ‘belt’ voice.
The student leads the group from the introduction of both waiata; traditional chant (mōteatea) and contemporary poi, and sustains this role as they contribute to the cohesion, balance, intonation, feel, style, accuracy, and confident presentation of the kapa performance. The student maintains a fluid and confident set of choreographed dance and poi movements.
For a more secure Excellence, the student could work on alleviating the small instances of strain exposed at the top of their vocal range.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate ensemble skills by effectively performing two substantial pieces of music as a member of a group.
This involves the student contributing to the cohesion, balance, intonation, feel, style, accuracy and confident presentation of the group’s performance. The contribution is consistent and musically responsive.
This violinist has demonstrated musically responsive ensemble skills. The student contributes effectively to the group by leading the beginning of the movements. Stylistically, the student manages to capture the intended mood of the piece, swapping between baroque and jazz styles. The intonation is generally secure.
To reach Excellence, greater cohesion within the overall performance would allow the ensemble to be fully convincing and assured.
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to demonstrate ensemble skills by effectively performing two substantial pieces of music as a member of a group.
This involves the student contributing to the cohesion, balance, intonation, feel, style, accuracy and confident presentation of the group’s performance. The contribution is consistent and musically responsive.
The standard requires that two pieces of music are performed – one piece is exemplified here.
This student has a confident performance presence and looks the part in engaging the audience. The student shows effective communication and musical responsiveness within the ensemble, counting the other members in, and maintaining eye contact throughout the performance.
There is some extended duo vocal work that gives sufficient scope for appropriate ensemble skill demonstration.
The vocal quality is pleasant, with shaping of phrases and reasonable attention to dynamic contrasts and balance.
For a more secure Merit, the student could demonstrate more tonal control (accuracy) and a fully centred sound.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate ensemble skills by performing two substantial pieces of music as a member of a group.
This involves the student presenting two substantial pieces of music in a single group performance; contributing to the cohesion, balance, intonation, feel, style, and accuracy of the group’s performance. The ensemble skills are appropriate to at least a fifth year of instrumental study through group itinerant tuition.
The student being assessed in this exemplar is the keyboard player at the back of the group. The student contributes well to the overall cohesion and balance of the ensemble, although at times it is difficult to hear their individual part. An awareness of Pacifica style is evident nevertheless, especially in the syncopated rhythmic passages.
In the second piece there is a featured section from this performer which makes the performance more effective. Holistically across both pieces this student is a high Achieved.
To reach Merit, the student could feature more in the first piece to fully demonstrate performance skills appropriate to a fifth year of group tuition.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate ensemble skills by performing two substantial pieces of music as a member of a group.
This involves the student presenting two substantial pieces of music in a single group performance; contributing to the cohesion, balance, intonation, feel, style, and accuracy of the group’s performance. The ensemble skills are appropriate to at least a fifth year of instrumental study through group itinerant tuition.
The standard requires that two pieces of music are performed – one piece is exemplified here.
The Pacifica-style (accompanying a Tongan war dance) drumming being performed in this exemplar is appropriate for this standard, although technically it is fairly repetitive and not particularly complex for this level.
The drumming technique demonstrated and the overall effectiveness of the performance is indicative of an Achieved level for a student in their fifth year of group tuition.
The student shows confidence on stage and is effective and sustained in their role as the rhythmic leader of this group. In addition the student performs with a relevant stylistic feel and in a ‘sectional’ structure appropriate for the dancers.
Although a single drum kit has been utilised, rather than the traditional set-up of five or more pate, the student performs in a manner that is relevant to this cultural performance context (a school concert).
For a more secure Achieved, the performer would benefit from demonstrating further technical control and ensemble awareness by working with another percussionist to contribute more effectively to the cohesion of the performance.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to demonstrate ensemble skills by performing two substantial pieces of music as a member of a group.
This involves the student presenting two substantial pieces of music in a single group performance; contributing to the cohesion, balance, intonation, feel, style, and accuracy of the group’s performance. The ensemble skills are appropriate to at least a fifth year of instrumental study through group itinerant tuition.
The standard requires that two pieces of music are performed – one piece is exemplified here.
The waiata being performed in this exemplar is less than substantial and needs to be longer to allow the kaitataki to fully demonstrate their ensemble skills at this curriculum level.
Although this exemplar is an audio file only, it needs to be noted that the kaitataki does engage and lead their group by singing the opening line of the waiata. Further, the student uses their eyes and head to indicate when the waiata is coming to a conclusion, thus contributing to the cohesion of the group’s performance.
General accuracy, balance and intonation are maintained.
To reach Achieved, the student needs to sing a longer waiata which would allow the vocalist to show the full extent of their skill level.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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