AS 91500 Annotated exemplars

Evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme (3.3)

Physical Education | Level 3
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

Download all exemplars and commentary [PDF, 104 KB]

TKI Physical Education assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91500 Exemplar Low Excellence (PDF | 183 KB)


For Excellence, the student needs to critically evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme.

This involves:

  • making coherent, insightful judgements by questioning and challenging assumptions about the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme
  • using those judgements to identify and justify what modification(s) may be made to improve the effectiveness of the programme.

The student has made coherent and insightful judgements by questioning and challenging assumptions about the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme (1).

The student has used judgements to identify and justify what modifications may be made to improve the effectiveness of the programme (2).

For a more secure Excellence, the student would need to make more coherent and insightful judgements by questioning and challenging assumptions about the effectiveness of a performance, for example by using biophysical principles.

High Merit

91500 Exemplar High Merit (PDF | 105 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to evaluate, in depth, the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme.

This involves examining in detail a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles and socio-cultural factors to make coherent judgements about the effectiveness of the programme.

The student has examined in detail a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles (methods of training, principles of training) (1), sports psychology (2) and socio-cultural factors (3) to make coherent judgements about the effectiveness of the programme.

The student has made some coherent and insightful judgements by questioning and challenging assumptions about the effectiveness of the programme (4).

To reach Excellence, the student would need to:

  • make more coherent and insightful judgements by questioning and challenging assumptions about the effectiveness of the programme
  • use these judgements to identify and justify what modification(s) may be made to improve the effectiveness of the programme.

Low Merit

91500 Exemplar Low Merit (PDF | 104 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to evaluate, in depth, the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme.

This involves examining in detail a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles and socio-cultural factors to make coherent judgements about the effectiveness of the programme

The student has examined in detail a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles (methods of training, principles of training) (1) (2) and sports psychology (3).

The student has made some coherent judgements about the effectiveness of the programme (4).

The student has examined a performance improvement programme by using socio-cultural factors to make judgements about the effectiveness of the programme (5).

For a more secure Merit, the student would need to examine in more detail a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles (more than one method and principle of training) and sociocultural factors to make more coherent judgements about the effectiveness of the programme.

High Achieved

91500 Exemplar High Achieved (PDF | 104 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme.

This involves examining a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles and socio-cultural factors to make judgements about the effectiveness of the programme.

The student has examined a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles (methods of training, principles of training) (1) (2), sports psychology (3), and socio-cultural factors (4) to make judgements about the effectiveness of the programme.

The student has made a coherent judgement about the effectiveness of the programme (5).

To reach Merit, the student would need to examine in more detail by using biophysical principles and socio-cultural factors to make more coherent judgements about the effectiveness of the programme. The judgements should be supported with specific examples from the performance improvement programme experience.

Low Achieved

91500 Exemplar Low Achieved (PDF | 107 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme.

This involves examining a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles and socio-cultural factors to make judgements about the effectiveness of the programme.

The student has examined a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles (methods of training, principles of training) (1) (2), sports psychology (3) and socio-cultural factors (4).

The student has made some judgements about the effectiveness of the programme (5).

For a more secure Achieved, the student would need to examine in more detail a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles and socio-cultural factors to make more judgements about the effectiveness of the programme. The judgements should be supported with specific examples from the performance improvement programme experience.

High Not Achieved

91500 Exemplar High Not Achieved (PDF | 182 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme.

This involves examining a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles and socio-cultural factors to make judgements about the effectiveness of the programme.

The student has briefly examined a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles (principles of training) (1), sports psychology (2) and socio-cultural factors (3).

To reach Achieved, the student would need to examine in more detail a performance improvement programme by using biophysical principles and socio-cultural factors to make clear judgements about the effectiveness of the programme. The judgements should be supported with specific examples from the performance improvement programme experience.

See all Physical Education assessment resources