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Low Excellence
For Excellence, the student needs to critically examine a current physical activity event, trend or issue, and its impact on New Zealand society.
This involves:
- questioning and challenging assumptions about a current physical event, trend or issue
- using the findings to draw coherent and insightful conclusions about the impact or potential impact of the physical event, trend or issue on New Zealand society.
The student has started to question and challenge assumptions about a triathalon event (1).
The student has used the findings to draw coherent and insightful conclusions about the impact or potential impact of the event on New Zealand society (2).
For a more secure Excellence, the student would need to question and challenge in more detail the assumptions about the event.
High Merit
For Merit, the student needs to examine, in depth, a current physical activity event, trend or issue, and its impact on New Zealand society.
This involves:
- explaining in detail a current physical event, trend, or issue by discussing the values or reasons framing different perspectives
- using the findings to draw coherent conclusions about the impact or potential impact of the physical event, trend or issue on New Zealand society.
The student has explained in detail a triathalon event by discussing the values or reasons framing different perspectives (of the event sponsor, former athletes and children) (1).
The student has used findings to draw coherent conclusions with some insight about the impact or potential impact of the event (2).
The student has started to question and challenge assumptions about the event (3).
To reach Excellence, the student would need to:
- question and challenge in more detail the assumptions about the event
- use the findings to draw conclusions with insight about the impact or potential impact of event on New Zealand society
Low Merit
For Merit, the student needs to examine, in depth, a current physical activity event, trend or issue, and its impact on New Zealand society.
This involves:
- explaining in detail a current physical event, trend, or issue by discussing the values or reasons framing different perspectives
- using the findings to draw coherent conclusions about the impact or potential impact of the physical event, trend or issue on New Zealand society.
The student has examined in detail the AIMS Games event by discussing the values or reasons framing different perspectives (HPE strands in the NZ Curriculum, Diver-2012, and the tournament director) (1).
The student has drawn conclusions about the impact or potential impact of the event on New Zealand Society (2).
For a more secure Merit, the student would need to draw coherent conclusions about the impact or potential impact of the event on New Zealand society.
High Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to examine a current physical activity event, trend or issue, and its impact on New Zealand society.
This involves:
- researching and explaining a current physical event, trend or issue
- using the findings to draw conclusions about its impact or potential impact on New Zealand society.
The student has researched and examined the AIMS Games event (1).
The student has drawn conclusions about impact or potential impact of the AIMS Games event on New Zealand Society (2).
The student has discussed the values or reasons from their own perspective (competitors, schools, City of Tauranga, parents) (3).
To reach Merit, the student would need to:
- explain the event in detail by discussing the values or reasons framing different perspectives
- draw coherent conclusions about the impact or potential impact of the event on New Zealand society.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to examine a current physical activity event, trend or issue, and its impact on New Zealand society.
This involves:
- researching and explaining a current physical event, trend or issue
- using the findings to draw conclusions about its impact or potential impact on New Zealand society.
The student has briefly examined the Maadi Cup event, supported with some research (1).
The student has started to draw conclusions about the potential impact of the event on different groups within New Zealand society (the host town, health benefits for participants, resentment from local youth) (2).
For a more secure Achieved, the student would need to:
- explain the event in more detail
- draw more detailed conclusions about the potential impact of the event on New Zealand society.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, the student needs to examine a current physical activity event, trend or issue, and its impact on New Zealand society.
This involves:
- researching and explaining a current physical event, trend or issue
- using the findings to draw conclusions about its impact or potential impact on New Zealand society.
The student has attempted to examine the Maadi Cup event (1).
The student has drawn some conclusions about the event’s impact or potential impact of the current physical activity event on New Zealand society (2).
To reach Achieved, the student would need to:
- explain the event in more detail, supported with research
- use findings to draw more detailed conclusions about the impact or potential impact of the event on New Zealand society.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
Download all exemplars and commentary [PDF, 643 KB]
TKI Physical Education assessment resources (external link)