AS 91600 Annotated exemplars

Examine a campaign of social action(s) to influence policy change(s) (3.5)

Social Studies | Level 3
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This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.

Download all exemplars and commentary [PDF, 394 KB]

TKI Social Studies assessment resources (external link)

Low Excellence

91600 Exemplar Low Excellence (PDF | 207 KB)


For Excellence, the student needs to examine comprehensively a campaign of social action(s) to influence policy change(s).

This involves using Social Studies concepts and giving specific evidence to:

  • describe the issue from different points of view, values and perspectives
  • describe the aims of the campaign
  • explain the differing reasons for individuals’ and/or groups’ involvement in the campaign and the individuals’ and/or groups’ reasons for selecting the actions within the campaign
  • exploring the real and potential consequences of the campaign
  • critically evaluating the effectiveness of the campaign, including possible modifications which could have been made to improve the campaign’s influence on policy.

The student has used Social Studies concepts and given specific evidence to describe the issue of American gun laws and the aims of the Moms Demand Action campaign. They have explained reasons for the involvement and selection of actions within the campaign (not exemplified here).

Real and potential consequences of the campaign have been explored (not exemplified here).

In this extract, the student provides sufficient comprehensive critical evaluation of the effectiveness of the Moms Demand Action campaign (1), including possible modifications which could have been made to improve the campaign’s influence on American gun policy (2).

For a more secure Excellence, the student could provide more detail of the second modification to improve the campaign’s influence on policy.

High Merit

91600 Exemplar High Merit (PDF | 184 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to examine, in depth, a campaign of social action(s) to influence policy change(s).

This involves using Social Studies concepts and giving specific evidence to:

  • describe the issue from different points of view, values and perspectives
  • describe the aims of the campaign
  • explain the differing reasons for individuals’ and/or groups’ involvement in the campaign and the individuals’ and/or groups’ reasons for selecting the actions within the campaign
  • exploring the real and potential consequences of the campaign.

This student has used Social Studies concepts and given specific evidence to describe the issue of American gun laws and the aims of the Sandy Hook Promise campaign. Differing reasons for involvement in the campaign, and the selection of actions within the campaign, have been explained (not exemplified here).

In this extract, the student has explored, in depth, both the real (1) and potential (2) consequences of the Sandy Hook Promise campaign.

To reach Excellence, the student could critically evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign, including possible modifications which could have been made to improve the campaign’s influence on policy.

Low Merit

91600 Exemplar Low Merit (PDF | 129 KB)


For Merit, the student needs to the student needs to examine, in depth, a campaign of social action(s) to influence policy change(s).

This involves using Social Studies concepts and giving specific evidence to:

  • describe the issue from different points of view, values and perspectives
  • describe the aims of the campaign
  • explain the differing reasons for individuals’ and/or groups’ involvement in the campaign and the individuals’ and/or groups’ reasons for selecting the actions within the campaign
  • exploring the real and potential consequences of the campaign.

This student has used Social Studies concepts and given specific evidence to describe the issue of American gun laws and the aims of the Sandy Hook Promise campaign. Differing reasons for involvement in the campaign, and the selection of actions within the campaign, have been explained (not exemplified here).

In this extract, the student has provided examination of both the real (1) and potential (2) consequences of the Sandy Hook Promise campaign.

For a more secure Merit, the student could provide a more detailed examination to explore the real and potential consequences of the campaign.

High Achieved

91600 Exemplar High Achieved (PDF | 392 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to examine a campaign of social action(s) to influence policy change(s).

This involves using Social Studies concepts and giving specific evidence to:

  • describe the issue from different points of view, values and perspectives
  • describe the aims of the campaign
  • explain the differing reasons for individuals’ and/or groups’ involvement in the campaign
  • explain the individuals’ and/or groups’ reasons for selecting the actions within the campaign.

This student has used Social Studies concepts (8) and specific evidence (9) to describe the issue of the American gun laws (1) from the different points of view of Nicola Hockley and Bryan Du Bois (2), and the associated values (3) and perspectives (4).

The aims of the Moms Demand Action campaign have been described (5) and the differing reasons for the individual's’ involvement in the Moms Demand Action campaign (6) have been explained, as have the group’s reasons for selecting the actions within the campaign (7).

To reach Merit, the student could provide an exploration of the real and potential consequences of the campaign.

Low Achieved

91600 Exemplar Low Achieved (PDF | 359 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to examine a campaign of social action(s) to influence policy change(s).

This involves using Social Studies concepts and giving specific evidence to:

  • describe the issue from different points of view, values and perspectives
  • describe the aims of the campaign
  • explain the differing reasons for individuals’ and/or groups’ involvement in the campaign
  • explain the individuals’ and/or groups’ reasons for selecting the actions within the campaign.

This student has used some Social Studies concepts (8) and provided some specific evidence (9) to describe, in just sufficient detail, the issue of American gun laws (1) from the different points of view of Nicola Hockley and Bryan Du Bois (2), and some values (3) and perspectives (4).

The aims of the Moms Demand Action campaign (5) have been described, and the differing reasons for the individual's’ involvement in the campaign (6) have been explained, as have the group’s reasons for selecting the actions within the campaign (7).

For a more secure Achieved, the student could:

  • provide further description of the issue
  • provide further description of the values and perspectives that underpin the points of view
  • use more specific evidence and include Social Studies concepts.

High Not Achieved

91600 Exemplar High Not Achieved (PDF | 286 KB)


For Achieved, the student needs to examine a campaign of social action(s) to influence policy change(s).

This involves using Social Studies concepts and giving specific evidence to:

  • describe the issue from different points of view, values and perspectives
  • describe the aims of the campaign
  • explain the differing reasons for individuals’ and/or groups’ involvement in the campaign
  • explain the individuals’ and/or groups’ reasons for selecting the actions within the campaign.

This student has provided some specific evidence (6) to describe, in just sufficient detail, the issue of the American gun laws (1) from the different points of view of Nicola Hockley and Bryan Du Bois (2).  

The aims of the Moms Demand Action campaign (3) have been described, and the differing reasons for the individual's’ involvement in the campaign (4) have been explained as have the group’s reasons for selecting the actions within the campaign (5).

To reach Achieved, the student could:

  • provide more specific evidence
  • provide further description of the issue
  • describe values and perspectives that underpin the points of view
  • include Social Studies concepts.

See all Social Studies assessment resources