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Low Excellence
For Excellence, students must efficiently implement advanced procedures to process a specified product.
This involves undertaking advanced procedures in a manner that economises time, effort, and materials.
The student used advanced processing operations and tests to make a lemon meringue pie. A flow diagram enabled the efficient implementation of most procedures.
Economy of time, effort, and materials is shown when the student weighed and mixed ingredients (1) (2) (4), dated and named the pastry (3), separated the eggs (5), sprayed the tin (6), rolled the pastry (7), stirred in the yolks and carried out other processes concurrently (8), sieved the filling (9), whisked the egg whites (10) and piped the meringue (11) (12).
A lemon meringue pie that met the teacher-given specifications was made (12)
For a more secure Excellence, the student could have been more efficient with timing operations. The teacher noted that the pastry shell was slightly undercooked (because the cartouche should have been taken off earlier and the shell kept in the oven longer). Also, testing for the colour of meringue while cooking would have revealed that the pie should have been taken out of the oven sooner.
High Merit
For Merit, students must skilfully implement advanced procedures to process a specified product.
This involves showing independence and accuracy when executing advanced procedures.
The teacher verified (by annotating an assessment schedule) that the student skilfully and independently implemented advanced procedures when making a lemon meringue pie. The pie was made to specifications (1) with minimal advice and guidance from the teacher, and without needing help from anyone else. All processing operations and tests were undertaken in compliance with relevant health and safety practices.
Accuracy was shown by cooking the base for the optimal time (2) and ensuring that it wasn’t soggy (4), adhering the meringue to the filling (3) and ensuring that it looked attractive (9), cooking the meringue to within the accepted colour range (5), achieving an ideal ratio of components (6), matching the pie size and baking dish (7) and ensuring that the filling had a smooth consistency (8).
To reach Excellence, there needs to be evidence of advanced procedures being efficiently implemented. The first meringue mixture included some egg yolk, causing the egg white foam not to form as required. More eggs were separated and the egg white mixture was beaten until it peaked. This repeated processing operation took more time, effort and materials.
Low Merit
For Merit, students must skilfully implement advanced procedures to process a specified product.
This involves showing independence and accuracy when executing advanced procedures.
The student created a flow diagram showing the sequenced processing operations and tests that they would follow to make a glass panel. These advanced procedures were successfully implemented.
Observational check sheets (1) (2) (3) (4) provide evidence that, overall, the student showed independence and accuracy when undertaking advanced procedures to process glass to make a glass panel. They undertook a range of appropriate tests to ensure that the panel met specifications (4). All operations complied with relevant health and safety practices, as listed in the check sheet (3).
For a more secure Merit, the student would need to achieve positive processing operation and testing outcomes with a greater degree of independence. That is, without assistance they would need to skilfully distribute the glass powder onto the glass (1) (2), and ensure that angles were at 90 degrees on the square pieces (2) and smooth edges (2).
Also, the procedures associated with the pattern/form/shape and firing of the tiles should be more accurate (1) (2).
High Achieved
For Achieved, students must implement advanced procedures to process a specified product.
This involves:
- creating and implementing a flow diagram, including processing operations and tests, with appropriate sequencing
- undertaking processing operations and tests that comply with health and safety documentation.
Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) documentation outlines the desired approach to identifying, evaluating and controlling hazards when processing ingredients to make a lemon meringue pie (1).
The student created flow diagrams with appropriate sequencing to show the processing operations and tests that they intended to follow when making their lemon meringue pie (2).
The processes and tests as outlined in the flow diagram were implemented. A health and safety checklist and supporting documentation was created to validate that potential risks (as identified in the HACCP) were mitigated (3) (4). A lemon meringue that met specifications was produced (5).
To reach Merit, the student would need to achieve positive process and testing outcomes with more accuracy. The pastry was slightly browner than the desired colour, and the colour of the cooked meringue was slightly uneven.
Low Achieved
For Achieved, students must implement advanced procedures to process a specified product.
This involves:
- creating and implementing a flow diagram, including processing operations and tests, with appropriate sequencing
- undertaking processing operations and tests that comply with health and safety documentation.
Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) documentation outlines the desired approach to identifying, evaluating and controlling hazards when processing ingredients to make a lasagne (1).
The student created flow diagrams with appropriate sequencing to show the processing operations and tests that they intended to follow when making their lasagne (3).
The processes and tests were implemented as outlined in the flow diagrams. A lasagne that mainly met specifications was produced (2).
For a more secure Achieved, the béchamel sauce and cheese should be applied evenly and in sufficient quantity. Inserting a test point on the flowchart for checking quantities and coverage could have ensured the associated specifications were more clearly met. Also, taste testing for flavour at an earlier stage would ensure that the meat was the desired saltiness.
High Not Achieved
For Achieved, students must implement advanced procedures to process a specified product.
This involves:
- creating and implementing a flow diagram, including processing operations and tests, with appropriate sequencing
- undertaking processing operations and tests that comply with health and safety documentation.
The student created a flow diagram with appropriate sequencing to show the processing operations and tests that they intended to follow when making Danish pastries (1).
The processes and tests as outlined in the flow diagram were implemented. Danish pastries that met some specifications was produced (2). The teacher verified that hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) documentation was followed.
To reach Achieved, the student would need to implement some advanced procedures with more positive results. The pastry would need to be more flaky and browned evenly, the fruit filling should be less spicy, the pastries would need to be an even size, and the icing would need to be applied neatly (2).
Creating a flow diagram, including more detail of the processing operations to be carried out and the tests that should be applied, would help to ensure that Danish pastries were produced to specifications.
This annotated exemplar is intended for teacher use only. Annotated exemplars are extracts of student evidence, with commentary, that explain key parts of a standard. These help teachers make assessment judgements at the grade boundaries.
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