Scholarship Drama information for candidates

Information about the examination procedure for Scholarship Drama

About this information

This information is for:

  • all candidates
  • the waiting-room Supervisor, who will be a teacher from the school
  • Drama teachers.

This information will help you to understand the examination procedure and to practice responding to instructions promptly. There will be no opportunity for reassessment.

You must wear plain, non-specific clothing, and perform to an imagined audience positioned near the camera. Performance to the camera may distort the intended image.

Confirm with your Drama teacher what will be used as a warning signal.

On the day of the examination

Be in the waiting-room 20 minutes before the exam begins.

Visit the toilet just before you arrive. If the school is able to provide a second staff member as a supervisor, it may be possible to visit the toilet during the waiting time, but this cannot be guaranteed. Otherwise, you may leave the waiting-room only to go directly into the performance space.

Candidates will be examined in Attendance Roll order. A ‘Working Copy of the Attendance Roll’ and copies of this 'Information for Candidates' sheet will be available in the waiting-room.

You may warm up until it is your turn to perform.

Each candidate's performances are expected to last between 20 and 30 minutes.

The examination

The process before the examination begins has changed this year.

We will publish information on the new process closer to the examination date.

The performances

The camera and recording will be started, and not stopped until you have completed all three of your performances.

The camera will not be touched during any part of the filming.

Text-based performance

  1. The Supervisor will announce your candidate number, e.g., "Candidate number 118678543."
  2. The Supervisor will announce, "Part 1, Text-based Performance – five minutes in total for your introductory analysis and performance. Begin with your oral introductory analysis. I will start timing when you start speaking. When you have completed your introductory analysis, say, 'Now I will perform,' and then begin your performance."
  3. You will give your oral introductory analysis. If you wish, you could move closer to the camera to deliver your introduction.
  4. After your introductory analysis, move to your starting position, say, "Now I will perform," and begin your performance.
  5. At the end of four minutes and 50 seconds, the warning signal will be given.
  6. The Supervisor will stop you at five minutes. You must stop at once.

Self-devised piece

  1. The Supervisor will say, "Part 2: performance of self-devised piece – six minutes in total for your introductory analysis and performance. Begin with your oral introductory analysis. I will start timing when you start speaking. When you have completed your introductory analysis, say, 'Now I will perform,' and then begin your performance."
  2. You will give your introductory analysis. If you wish, you could move closer to the camera to deliver your introduction.
  3. After your introductory analysis, move to your starting position, say, "Now I will perform," and then begin your performance.
  4. At five minutes and 50 seconds, the warning signal will be given.
  5. The Supervisor will stop you at six minutes.You must stop at once.

Impromptu performance

  1. The Supervisor will announce, "Part 3, Impromptu Performance – six minutes in total, two for preparation, two for your impromptu performance, and two minutes for your reflection. I will time each part separately. Here is the prescribed impromptu performance task."
  2. The Supervisor will hand you a laminated copy of the task for you to read to yourself. Do not ask any questions about it.
  3. The Supervisor will announce, "Preparation for Impromptu Performance – two minutes," and then start timing.
  4. You will prepare. You may refer to the task, use pen and paper to plan, and/or physically explore ideas within the space.
  5. At one minute and 50 seconds, the warning signal will be given.
  6. At two minutes, the Supervisor will announce, "Part 3, Impromptu Performance – two minutes."
  7. You will perform. Timing will start when you begin your performance
  8. At one minute and 50 seconds, the warning signal will be given.
  9. At two minutes, the Supervisor will stop you and invite you to the camera.
  10. The Supervisor will announce, "You must now reflect on your impromptu performance to the camera. Talk about how you developed dramatic interest. Where do you think it was successful, and why? What might you do differently another time? You have two minutes," and then start timing.
  11. You will give your reflection. If you wish, you may refer to the laminated card and move closer to the camera to deliver your reflection.
  12. At 1 minute and 50 seconds, the warning signal will be given.
  13. The Supervisor will stop you at two minutes. You must stop at once.
  14. The camera will be stopped.
  15. Hand back the laminated card and any used paper to the Supervisor.

Before you leave

Before you leave, check with the Supervisor that all of your performances have been recorded. If they have been, sign the "Performance recorded" section of the Authenticity Declaration form and date it.

Leave the Performance Room when instructed by the Supervisor, who will note your "Leaving Time" on the Attendance Roll. Walk away from the area.

Scholarship Drama Authenticity Declaration form [DOCX, 57 KB]

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