Scholarship Drama waiting-room rules

Find out more about the waiting-room rules for Scholarship Drama candidates

About this information

This information is for:

  • all candidates
  • the waiting-room Supervisor
  • Drama teachers.

Waiting-room rules

Schools will provide a waiting room for candidates. It will be near the school's Performance Spaces, but out of sight and earshot. All candidates may use the same waiting room.

  1. There is no opportunity to leave the waiting room during the examination, unless the school has a second staff member on call to escort candidates to the bathroom. The last candidate may have to wait for an hour and a half to be examined.
  2. Candidates should visit the bathroom before going to the waiting room.
  3. Candidates are examined in attendance roll order. The roll will be available in the waiting room. Candidates must be present 20 minutes before the examination begins and must to any instructions from the Examination Supervisor.
  4. No candidate will be admitted to the waiting room and permitted to perform after the first candidate has completed their performance and been dismissed.
  5. Candidates who have performed can't return to the waiting room or communicate in any way with candidates who are waiting to perform.
  6. Cell phones are not permitted in the waiting room or Performance Spaces.
  7. Copies of the Instructions to Candidates will be available in the waiting room for candidates to read.
  8. Candidates may use their waiting time to warm up.
  9. The Supervisor will maintain order in the waiting room.

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