AS 91298 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91298: Report on the environmental impact of the production of a locally produced primary product

Clarification details

Updated May 2015. This document has been updated in its entirety to address new issues that have arisen from moderation.

Key messages for reporting on the environmental impact

  • Students do not have to attend a field trip for this standard.
  • Students need to explain at least two impacts on the environment that occurs from the production of a locally produced primary product.
  • Environmental impacts need to be obvious and/or observable and/or measurable.
  • A locally produced primary product should be close by or within the region, e.g. Canterbury region if school is in Christchurch.
  • Student’s explanation for a Merit needs to include pertinent information extracted from the data about the impact. Pertinent information extracted from the data should be from verifiable or published resources. Data should be less than 10 years old and be relevant and applicable to the primary product chosen. If talking about dairying in Southland, then using Waikato Regional Council’s data is not relevant or applicable. It is good practice for students to reference all the findings from the sources utilised.

See all Agricultural and Horticultural Science clarifications