AS 91528 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91528: Carry out an investigation into an aspect of a New Zealand primary product or its production

Clarification details

Key messages for clarifying this standard are:

  • This standard follows on from 90918 and 91289.
  • This is an individual investigation, although the students can work in groups to collect relevant data.
  • An overall holistic judgement of evidence is required.

Evidence required




A statement of the purpose – this may be an aim, testable question, prediction or hypothesis based on a scientific idea. 

Planning the method to be used – a description of and /or control of other variables; the collection of sufficient data. The method needs to be a workable method “recipe” that is able to be easily followed by another student. It should be sequential and if equipment is used, how it is used to perform the task. Students can draw labelled diagrams to assist with their description. Method also needs to include:

  • a valid range (three or more) for a key variable
  • a valid measurement of the effect of the range of the key variable
  • a valid description and management of other variables
  • control of potential sources of error
  • consideration of sampling bias
  • the reliable collection of primary data and the steps needed to carry out the investigation.

Collecting, recording and processing primary data – needs to be relevant to the purpose. The processing at the achieved level must be of a standard that allows for a conclusion based on the processed data to be made. The interpretation of processing at the achieved and merit level is any basic processing that allows a trend (or pattern) or lack of a trend to be established. This may involves an appropriate table, e.g. sequential values for the independent variable; however the need for a graph for achieved and merit levels are not mandatory. 

Reporting on the findings and relating them to findings from another source relating to the agricultural or horticultural context.

Providing a valid conclusion(s) that relates to the purpose of the investigation.

A method is developed that allows for a collection of data that is valid and reliable.



Providing a valid conclusion(s) that links key agricultural or horticultural concepts to own findings and to those from other sources.



Evaluating the validity of the method and / or reliability of the data and justifying the choices made throughout the investigation, i.e. evaluating the validity of the method or reliability of the data and explaining the conclusion in terms of agricultural or horticultural ideas relevant to the investigation.



Providing valid conclusions(s) that discusses key agricultural or horticultural concepts and either findings of others, or scientific principles, theories, or models.



Conclusions include proposed courses of action, based on the commercial significance of the findings, which the producer may undertake to achieve a specific outcome relating to the primary product or its production.



See all Agricultural and Horticultural Science clarifications