AS 91529 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91529: Research and report on the impact of factors on the profitability of a New Zealand primary product

Clarification details

Key messages for clarifying this standard are:

  • The students could work in groups of two or three to gather relevant research information, but the reporting of their research findings must be individual work.
  • Log work is highly recommended but students cannot be downgraded if this is not submitted for marking.
  • Two or more factors (physical and climatic conditions; social, technological, economic, political or cultural) need to be covered.
  • The report must include: a statement of purpose, selected and processed information, interpretation of findings based on students own processed information, a valid conclusion(s) that relates to the purpose of the research and referencing using a recognised style, so that sources may be verified.
  • For achieved, the report must include: select and process information related to specific factors that may impact on profitability of a primary production in New Zealand; use the processed information to describe the impact of the factors on the primary production; and report findings in a logical manner.
  • For merit, the report must include: interpret processed information to explain the impact of the factors on the profitability of a primary production and report findings in a logical manner.
  • For excellence, the report must include: analyse the processed information to justify the impact of the factors on the profitability of production; and report findings in a coherent and concise manner, including a summary of findings.

See all Agricultural and Horticultural Science clarifications