AS 91397 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91397: Demonstrate understanding of significant ideology(ies) in the classical world

Clarification details

This standard requires students to demonstrate understanding of significant ideology(ies) in the classical world.

Examples of context elaborations are provided in the Teaching and Learning Guides on the TKI website.

For Achieved

The standard requires an analysis of an aspect of a significant ideology, using supporting primary source evidence, and relating the ideology to a wider context. Depending on the ideology being analysed, this may be within the classical world or could be from subsequent cultures, such as changes in Christian ideology implemented in the 4th century CE on the development of church doctrine.

For Merit

The standard requires demonstration of in-depth understanding of a range of aspects or factors. It is imperative that the context chosen has sufficient aspects in order to make this easier for students. Professional judgement should be used when making a call on the sufficiency of detail in the student explanation.

For Excellence

The analysis needs to show insight. This will vary from context to context. The descriptors in explanatory note 2 of the standard are designed to provide guidance for teachers and students but are not, in themselves, a separate set of criteria.

The quality of the student response is more important than the quantity. Authenticity of student work needs to be verified. One way to do this is through a bibliography, but the lack of this cannot in itself preclude achievement at any level.

See all Classical Studies clarifications

Page last updated:  27 October 2023