AS 91902 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91902: Use complex techniques to develop a database

Clarification details

Updated December 2021. This clarification has been updated to address issues that have arisen from moderation.

Complex techniques are given in Explanatory Note 4. Student evidence needs to demonstrate at least two of these complex techniques in the database.

Design of the structure of the data will include some planning for the database, including: 

  • planning the nodes or tables to be used
  • selecting appropriate types for the data
  • planning the queries expected or data manipulation that may be required
  • planning the connections between tables or nodes
  • designing the input and output interfaces.

The evidence must present data. This can be done in various ways depending on the assessment task and the database application used, and may include the use of forms, reports or web-based interfaces.

The evidence needs to show how the identified relevant implications have been addressed. There is no dedicated clarification document for relevant implications at Level 3. Guidance and definitions are provided in the Level 2 clarification.

Data integrity and testing needs to show that the database functions as intended, and that the data is relevant for the intended purpose and end user. Evidence needs to include testing to show that the data in the database is correct.

For Merit, evidence of how the outcome was improved using testing procedures is required such as using annotated screenshots.

For Excellence, iterative improvement is required throughout the design, development and testing process. Iterative improvement will involve cycles of improvements. For example, evidence of developing the outcome in sprints throughout the process. A working outcome is required for Achieved. Evidence needs to show the use of efficient tools and techniques in producing the database. Examples of efficient tools and techniques are provided in the published assessment resources on TKI.

There is a dedicated clarification document that expands on what is meant by iterative improvement.

Iterative improvement

Moderation requirements

Where the evidence uses PHP and SQL or similar web-based methods, a link to show the database running on a webserver should be provided rather than submitting the evidence to be unpacked into a webserver by the moderator.

Alternatively, a screencast showing the functional database and website operation could be submitted. The video should include voice-over or subtitles which describe what is happening and explain what the database does and how it functions.

Assessors will need to ensure that all prepared supporting evidence such as voice-over video files, online version control tools or separate testing documents are accessible to the moderator. When files are password-protected the access settings should be changed appropriately to allow the moderation process to occur.

See all Digital Technologies clarifications

Page last updated:  27 October 2023