AS 91221 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91221: Direct a scene for drama performance

Clarification details

Updated May 2015. This clarification has been updated to address issues that have arisen from moderation.

The Directorial concept

Students need to provide evidence ofboth analysis and translation of a scripted text, as well as the creation of a directorial/production concept, prior to embarking on a rehearsal process leading to performance.

The directorial concept needs to include clear intent, identifying a proposed thematic approach. The analysis may also explore layers of meaning in the scene, such as philosophical or political implications.

A production concept should establish a point of reference. This establishes the overall aim for the production, informing all components. A concept may be ‘the colour, shape and texture and ideas that a director of a play brings to an interpretation of the scene.’

The Directorial process

Consideration must be given to the development of the characters, and the scene chosen must allow the opportunity for this.

This standard focuses on the process of directing as well as the final product. Consequently, the portfolio evidence provided by the student is integral to the quality of their final grade. Evidence may be provided in a range of forms, including documentation, blocking diagrams, notes to actors, video evidence of rehearsal and performance, and diarising/reflection.

Forward planning and purposeful planned rehearsal activities and decisions for technology to support the concept need to be evident to demonstrate ‘control’ over the directorial process Merit.

Performance evidence

The directorial process is assessed foremost, and then the staging of the scene are considered in terms of its realisation of the concept. The final decision will be a holistic one, based on both aspects of the process. 

At Merit, skilful translation of the text means they will direct competently, with purpose, and the student has control over the process during the rehearsal period.

For Excellence, the student will be effective in utilising opportunities in the directorial process to present a convincing scene that captures the essence of the dramatic context with impact.

See all Drama clarifications