AS 91517 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91517: Perform a substantial acting role in a significant production

Clarification details

Updated December 2017. This clarification has been updated to address issues that have arisen from moderation.

Merit criteria and the use of accent

For Merit, students typically need to sustain an accent convincingly (competently) over the whole performance.

Musical Theatre

When a musical theatre production is selected as a context for 91517, teachers need to carefully consider whether the performances involving music or choreographed movement include sufficiently substantial acting dimensions. Roles which involve music or dance may not offer sufficient opportunities for role development or performance detail to provide an appropriate choice. 

At New Zealand Curriculum Level 8, students need to have access to rich interpretive opportunities to perform skilfully and convincingly for Merit, and to communicate depth and breadth for Excellence. For example, the substantial role needs to have sufficient depth and transform to some degree through the acting (verbal expression) segments of the production.

Epic theatre and farcical contexts

Depth and breadth implies a psychological approach to the performance of an acting role, but epic and farcical roles have different attributes and may not have opportunities for depth to be apparent. However, performances will still need to be convincing, engaging and arresting to fulfil the ‘effectiveness’ requirements of the criterion for Excellence.

The word ‘enhance’ is useful in these instances to determine Excellence. For example, the performance of a farcical or epic acting role could be enhanced by selected and pinpointed timing and detailed use of drama techniques, nuance, subtext and mannerisms, etc. In addition, the use of the body and voice that may convey ‘things that stand for other things’, for example ‘gestus’ in epic theatre.

The context of tongue in cheek or satirical writing should nevertheless be treated with apparent conviction and sincerity for the role to achieve the breadth and depth expected for effective enactment. Students need to find genuine motives to play with genuine conviction.

Performance evidence at Excellence

To communicate the journey of the role throughout the play, an accomplished role needs to be sustained throughout the performance, and layers of meaning need to be explored. Clarity of motivations and general audience awareness at key moments for the role could enhance the performance. Body and voice techniques, such as nuance and contrast, can be used to enhance the communication of the role and context.

See all Drama clarifications