Class 1 Driver Licence

Driving|Unit Standards

About Driver Licence Class 1 unit standards

New Zealand Driver Licence Class 1 unit standards are available to learners at schools or tertiary organisations that have consent to assess these standards.

There are 3 standards:

Credits from these standards can count towards NCEA and other qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework.

How to apply

If you hold a Class 1 Driver Licence, you can be awarded these unit standards and gain credits on your Record of Achievement.

Download and complete Waka Kotahi's Recognition of Prior Learning form and present it, along with your official photo licence, to your school or tertiary provider.

Waka Kotahi Class 1 Driver Licence – Recognition of Prior Learning form [PDF, 196 KB]

Information for providers

Secondary schools and tertiary providers must hold consent to assess for Class 1 Driver Licence standards before they can award credit.

Secondary schools automatically have consent to assess for these standards because they are in the Base Scope of Assessment for Schools.

Tertiary providers should apply for consent to assess these standards. A letter of support from the standard-setting body (Waka Kotahi) isn't required.

Base Scope of Assessment for Schools (BSAS)

Consent to assess for tertiary providers

Award and reporting process

You'll use the recognition of prior learning process to award credit for Driver Licence Class 1 unit standards. Learners' official photo licences provide the evidence necessary for the recognition of prior learning.

The unit standards are different to the tests for a Class 1 Driver Licence. Waka Kotahi agents conduct these tests. More information is available on their website:

Practical Driving Tests (external link) - Waka Kotahi

Reporting fees and monitoring

For schools, the cost of reporting the credits is covered by the learner’s standard annual fee collected by the school. For tertiary providers, credit reporting and recognition of prior learning assessment fees apply.

Waka Kotahi and NZQA are responsible for moderating these standards.


Drive website

Access the New Zealand Road Code online and prepare for your tests

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