AS 91225 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91225: Analyse unemployment using economic concepts and models

Clarification details

Updated May 2015. This document has been updated to address new issues that have arisen from moderation.

Quality and Quantity of student evidence

The quality and complexity of student evidence should reflect the appropriate level of the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC), i.e. evidence for NCEA Level 2 should reflect NZC level 7.

The depth of evidence required is indicated by the descriptors used in the standard, e.g. identify, define or describe concepts, explain, explain in detail, compare, contrast, integrate.

The quantity of evidence is indicated with singular or plural phrases.

The standard refers to ‘concepts and models’, indicating at least two of each are needed to explain and support the analysis of unemployment. The standard outlines what economic concepts and models should be used in Explanatory Notes 4 and 5.

The phrase ‘and/or’ is a quantitative indicator that is used in the standard to indicate, for example, that comparing or contrasting can be used in the analysis, therefore both may not be relevant in some cases, and one or the other would be sufficient.

Models as well as concepts are used to support explanations. Students need to make direct reference to each presented model by explaining each illustrated change, using the language of the model in the analysis to meet the requirements of the Achievement Criteria, e.g. Labour Market model; DL, SL, QL and W or W/P or Wmin. with IU and VU.

Collecting and using unemployment data/graphs is not assessed by the standard. However, students could use relevant unemployment information or data to support the analysis.

Analysing unemployment for Achievement involves students defining or describing unemployment concepts. Students explain what the causes of changes in unemployment are, and how or why they cause changes in unemployment, using economic models.

The student also explains how or why various groups in NZ society are affected by these changes in unemployment.

Analysing unemployment in depth for Merit involves students explaining in detail how and why the causes affect unemployment, using unemployment concepts and models.

Students also need to explain in detail how and why these changes in unemployment affect various groups in NZ society.

Analysing unemployment comprehensively for Excellence involves students comparing and/or contrasting the changes in unemployment arising from at least two different causes, integrating (fully linking) changes shown on models into the detailed explanation.

Additionally, the students compare and/or contrast the similar or different impacts experienced by various groups. These could be unequal in a greater than or less than sense, as some groups may be affected more than others by changes in unemployment.

See all Economics clarifications