AS 91239 Clarification

Clarification for AS 91239: Analyse issues related to sexuality and gender to develop strategies for addressing the issues

Clarification details

Updated December 2018. This document has been updated to address issues that have arisen from moderation.

Gender identity and sexual identity

Gender identity relates to people’s knowledge that they are male, female or gender queer/non-binary, and to the characteristics society decides are appropriate for each. Exploration of issues includes cultural, political, economic, social aspects and/or personal (e.g. media, religion, gender role expectations).

Sexual identity relates to how a person sees themselves sexually and how they show this to others. Exploration of issues includes more personal and social aspects such as sexual orientation, sexual behaviour, or diversity.


Influencing factors operate at personal, interpersonal and/or societal levels. Students may explain at least one factor for gender identity and at least one factor for sexual identity. Students will describe the nature of each chosen influencing factor and justify how/why the factor influences gender identity or sexual identity. Students will also explain issues (problems/social injustices) arising from the influences.


A relevant combination of personal, interpersonal and societal strategies will be recommended to address the issues. Students will describe what is involved in using each strategy and explain how/why each strategy will address the issues, enhance the well-being of individuals, groups and communities and/or reflect the values of social justice (fairness, inclusiveness and non-discrimination).

Analyse in depth

For Merit, students will provide a more detailed account of how/why the factors influence gender and sexual identity. The explanation of strategies will clearly and explicitly consider outcomes of the strategies that reflect (promote, uphold, support, develop, encourage) social justice as well as address the issues.   

Analyse comprehensively 

For Excellence, students will engage critically with evidence (e.g. from resources provided in the assessment task and/or from their own learning) to support explanations of influencing factors and strategies. The explanations will be thoughtful, there will be a perceptive understanding of the issues, and the recommended strategies will deliberately seek to address the issues and encourage social justice. 

Students will also explain interrelationships between the personal, interpersonal and societal aspects. This will consider either the ways factors at different levels connect to each other to influence gender and sexual identity, or the ways the recommended strategies connect to each other to encourage social justice.

See all Health clarifications