AS 91303 clarification

Clarification for AS 91303: Analyse practices to enhance well-being used in care provision in the community

Clarification details

Updated May 2015. This document has been updated in its entirety to highlight key issues that have arisen from moderation.

An analysis

The analysis must include a detailed examination of how health enhancing practices have been applied in care provision. The examination of the practices must describe what they are and how they are applied in the selected care provision. Clear connections are needed to show how the practices are applied from a personal and interpersonal perspective.

Conclusions need to be drawn that show how needs are attended to and well-being is enhanced by the practices. All dimensions of hauora are expected.

Drawing conclusions must not be about making judgements about the standard of care provision of the institution.

Explanatory Note 3 provides examples of care provision.

In-depth analysis

For Merit, an in-depth analysis must include more complex reasoning, supported by detailed examples showing how and why practices are effective at attending to needs and enhancing well-being from a personal and interpersonal perspective.

Detailed examples must be used to support the in-depth analysis. Sources could include research reports, newspaper and other print articles, documentaries, information from government and Ministry websites e.g. Te Whāriki (Early Childhood Curriculum), and recognised non-government organisations (NGOs), talking with guest speakers, visits to care facilities and from student’s own experience through home based activities, discussion in class, DVDs and videos.

Comprehensive analysis

For Excellence, a comprehensive analysis needs to include more complex and convincing reasoning.  Practices that are applied from the societal perspective need to be explained showing how they are effective at meeting needs and enhancing well-being. Practices from a societal perspective could include legislation, policies and procedures that are applied.

Examples of practices from a societal perspective in the setting of pre-school education could consider: Education Act- 1989 and amendment-2006, Te Whāriki- The Early Childhood curriculum in NZ 2009, Licensing Criteria for ECE and Care centres- 2008, Human Rights Act- 1993, The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child-1989, Government policy 20 hours free ECE for 3-4 year olds, Health (Immunisation) Regulations- 1995.

See all Home Economics clarifications