AS 90996 Clarification

Clarification for AS 90995: Demonstrate understanding of rules that govern the media in New Zealand

Clarification details

Updated December 2017. This document has been updated to address issues that have arisen from moderation.

Focus of the standard

The standard assesses a student’s ability to produce two written media texts which demonstrate the use of media language and at least five media conventions, as appropriate to the selected medium, product and target audience.

Appropriate media texts

Teachers may focus on one kind of writing. For example, students may submit two film scripts for their portfolio or they may choose to focus on two different styles of writing such as a TVC script and a news story for a newspaper.

The submitted media texts can be part of longer texts. For example, a student could present a scene from a film script and a script for a vlog episode from an online series. However, each of the pieces submitted should stand alone as media texts. 

It is important the texts written are media texts, and that they display conventions associated with the text type chosen. 

See all Media Studies clarifications